• 00:06 @ShannonKButcher "Jim-on-Whopper" sounds like a terrible name for an English estate. #
  • 00:15 @jeffeastin It was awesome to see the Rose Center! I love when my city factors into the plot. :D Isn’t "Tycho" pronounced "Tee-ko," though? #
  • 00:18 @jeffeastin My professors pronounced it differently, but I suppose I’d side with Sagan, too! :D Again, great ep. Thank you! #
  • 07:54 Jaw-drop-worthy fanart for @longshotauthor’s Codex Alera: Marat by *sandara on @deviantART t.co/mrepCNu! #
  • 07:55 @Jamie1km Yay evil! #
  • 07:56 @Jamie1km I am always pro-evil in the name of good. #
  • 07:58 @Jamie1km OOH. I didn’t know you hadn’t read it yet! You’re in for a treat. Also, I hear the series’ map is pretty sweet. #
  • 08:06 RT @WiredUK: Human and jellyfish combined to make the first living laser: bit.ly/lCKkix by @britishgaming // Laser blue eyes soon? #
  • 08:08 @Jamie1km I’m sure one will surface near your booth at SDCC at some point. #
  • 09:36 @CUnderkoffler Thanks. I will never be able to hear that song again without thinking of those lyrics. Well, @alyankovic got there first… #
  • 11:25 Please tell me I didn’t do something monumentally stupid… #
  • 12:36 Wish folks would clarify if they mean spoilers for future material vs. spoilers for material already public, which not everyone may’ve seen. #
  • 13:33 DAMMIT. I was severely misled by the SDCC press registration folks, and now I have no pass. brb, frantically pulling at strings… #
  • 22:48 Roommate is watching TV with commercials. Like an animal. #
  • 23:04 I met @byharryconnolly! Also @sinboy. The KGB Fantastic Fiction group attracts an awesome crowd. #
  • 23:56 OKCupid guy says "hey, you’re in luck, i’m don quixote. ;)" So you love pure and chaste from afar? #

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