The 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Photography was awarded to Damon Winter of The New York Times “for his memorable array of pictures deftly capturing multiple facets of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.” Check out his amazing portfolio here (or here).

Today was weird.

I mentioned in passing that one of my coworkers is doing a weekly photography workshop. I ended up submitting this image last week, which was not taken in my front yard.

Our assignment for next week is to take a picture that illustrates motion. I had to run an errand over at Houston and Broadway–an area of town stupidly close to me, but which I rarely ever get to–and afterward, I decided to prowl that area for potential shots.

The first place that caught my eye was a curios shop, which specializes in countless shiny odds and ends, subway signs, opera props, and bizarre statues and masks. I set up a number of shots of people reflected in mirrors among the odd bric-a-brac. One such shot featured the legs of a tall, slim man in black jeans and cowboy boots, who spontaneously walked into frame. Yay happy accidents! Then I looked up, and it was one of my coworkers! We stopped to chat and have a laugh about it, and he explained that he lives very nearby, and he stops in occasionally to see if there’s anything new and interesting to see. That’ll be a story to share with my fellow photographers!

My next stop was a basketball court, where a bunch of young guys had banded together an impromptu game. I must have watched them for 15 minutes, taking photo after photo, before the game ended. I smiled at the guys in greeting afterward, ready to explain my presence to any who asked, when suddenly I caught the eye of the son of one of my family’s oldest friends. We spent a few minutes catching up and generally boggling, then I was off once more.

I strolled around a little longer, then made my way back home, whereupon I got my first jury duty summons in the mail.

Yeah, today was weird.

A coworker is holding a digital photography workshop on Wednesday. Today, we’re each supposed to submit a photograph–digitally unaltered–for some sinister purpose. I’ve been going through my gallery, considering photos taken in Greece or on my pan-Southwest road trip, but I think I’m ultimately going to pick a photograph I took at home, in my front yard. Not sure what that says about me, but whatever it is, I think I’m okay with it. :D

I’ve finally gotten around to posting my artsy photos from the massive Sappy Lincoln Narratives road trip, from the beginning of this summer. Maybe someday I’ll actually write a blog entry about it! See photos from Dinosaur National Monument, Arches, Mesa Verde, The Grand Canyon, Antelope Point, Zion, Grand Canyon Caves, and Havasupai!


Then hurrah, the Doctor Sketchy’s tradition continues! See my drawings here!