Twitter Driveby

  • 00:29 Oh, apartment, you are so lonely without my futon. Will you be my friend, weird mannequin left by previous tenant and adopted by roommate? #
  • 00:55 Whee! Exciting things are brewing in Jim Butcher land! #
  • 01:05 @sarah_haskins Somewhere in the Netherlands? Is there a Tuliptopia in Holland? #
  • 10:14 Woohoo! Swine flu has come to Launch! #
  • 10:25 Have suddenly been friended by @H1N1Alert (tracking Swine Flu in NYC), despite the fact my location still says "Tehran." How’d they know? #
  • 10:29 @SheckyX More teasery! I should have Awesome Thing #1 for the Butcher fans tonight or tomorrow. The other two are future-awesome things. #
  • 10:33 RT @TimeOutNewYork Theater | Avenue Q closing in September [Catch it before it closes!] #
  • 18:40 Effective today NYC subway rides increased to $2.25 (from $2), monthly to $89 (from $81). Sigh. (h/t @Islandwoo) #
  • 21:44 Hmm, how shall I tag the First Lord’s Fury desktop? Something along the lines of "The saga concludes 11/24/09" #
  • 21:45 (That’s awesome Jim-related thing #1 of 3, by the way. :D) #
  • 21:52 @Uilos Do it! Remember, it’s the author’s job to know ten times more about your universe than you ever share with your readers. #
  • 21:55 @jbkuma HUZZAH! Browncoats are extraordinary! #
  • 22:47 @billharting Hmm. #2 is something visually intriguing. #3 is something the fans have been clamoring for for YEARS. Is that vague enough? #
  • 23:44 Download shiny "First Lord’s Fury" wallpaper at — be the envy of your coworkers! Score chicks! #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 00:24 @beachkid Urgh, preaching to the choir. New Yorkers, learn how to walk! And tourists, stand somewhere else to take pictures! #
  • 11:17 @Esperacchius Still? Dude, tweezers are your friend. Take care of yourself! #
  • 11:27 @Uilos "Bob? I thought Justin was Harry’s uncle!" #multicanondresdenfail #
  • 11:28 @terioncalling Share, share! #
  • 13:08 Boo, last day in Dallas! Had a fantastic time celebrating my daddy’s birthday and enjoying the sunshine. #
  • 14:40 @terioncalling Oh, then don’t share! Continue to hush! #
  • 16:35 Eee! My sister is giving me a pair of awesome lace-up brown leather boots that are too big for her! They make me look like a pirate queen. #
  • 23:33 Landed safely in NY, but now we’ve taxied to the gate, the plane seems to have lost power. They tried to restart 4x and it died immediately. #
  • 23:35 Plane eerie when lit only by emergency lighting and cell phones. Anyone got jumper cables? #
  • 23:37 Huzzah, now debarking plane! Illumination? We don’t need no stinking illumination! #
  • 23:59 Dear American Airlines, I don’t care if you have to unload our bags by candlelight. Gimmie. Love, me #
  • 00:01 Woah, crazy! Baggage carousel started the instant I pressed ‘send’! Dear universe, please give me a million dollars? #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 00:17 @sue_sue4 Pat Rothfuss = author of the brilliant "The Name of the Wind" and all-around totally awesome guy #
  • 00:28 @JHOCHE I like my coffee like I like my @JHOCHE! #
  • 00:29 @JHOCHE Actually, I don’t drink coffee and never have. But nor have I drunk anything COVERED IN BEES. #
  • 00:35 RT @mollycrabapple If I can get 4k followers, we’ll do a free Dr. Sketchy’s in Times Square and livestream everything, including our arrest #
  • 01:43 @spodalicious Wow, congrats! We’re cheering for you! #
  • 09:50 @Esperacchius You can call us, you know. *hugs* #
  • 09:53 @USA_Network Ooh, "White Collar" sounds like fun! Can’t wait for more sneak peeks. #
  • 09:55 Ah, gotta love those days when your superintendent calls you at 4am, simply returning a call you’d made the previous afternoon. #
  • 13:18 RT @NotableNYC Cupcakes and chocolate for free! NYC Dessert Fest, tomorrow in Manhattan [Someone eat a cupcake for me!] #
  • 13:25 @Uilos That’s AWESOME! #
  • 13:31 Totally digging the new Christina Courtin album. Check it out! #
  • 17:49 Yikes! Probably should have checked to see I had necessary projector cables *before* an hour and a half til big party. #
  • 18:04 Whee, disaster averted! I love having a Mac store five minutes from my house. #
  • 18:59 @SheckyX My dad’s 70th birthday party. You know, the reason I’m in Dallas? :D #
  • 23:45 Oh, HELL yes! Got the cover art for Dresden #12, and it’s GORGEOUS. Not sure if I can share yet, though. You’ll be the first to know! #
  • 23:51 @Esperacchius Ye gods! #
  • 23:56 @CBSisSlayer730 We definitely need to revive a short chunk of our "Wizard People, Dear Reader" performance at the next shindig! #

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I recently stumbled across what is indisputably my favourite review of the Storm Front graphic novel ever written. Or poorly translated. Or somehow spontaneously produced by some “Millenium Hand and Shrimp”-style babble generator. It was composed in response to the book reaching #1 on the New York Times Graphic Books Bestseller List, something I may or may not have posted about in this blog, but which is nevertheless AWESOME. *adds to resume, come to think of it*

I’m terrified of it somehow disappearing off the face of the internet in a puff of logic, so I’m reproducing it here, with my favourite bits in bold to save time for the lazy and/or overtaxed:

The New York Times most excellently sellers enter is a Brobdingnagian enter that people require they could be on. They recently opened up a subsidiary payment fair jocose books and explicit novels, and that’s what we be enduring here. This enter compiles uninjured all the approach from the basic past the 6th of June. I secluded included 3 items from 2 sections and nixed the Manga.

The following is the enter presented in visual dimensions. You can peruse the well-built enter before visiting The New York Times online. The Dresden Files: Storm Front before Mark J. 1. Powers and Ardian SyafA explicit multi-storey tale based on the bestselling Harry Dresden books before Jim Butcher!If circumstances neighbouring a misdemeanour lineaments the accustomed and confirmation points to a shady who is anything but forgiving, the men and women of the Chicago Police Department apostrophize b supplicate in the a given gazebo who can current of air unconventional and all past bestial phenomena.

Now the cops be enduring turned to Dresden to consider a horrifying imagery exactness parricide that was committed with louring deviltry. Harry Dresden is a wizard who knows firsthand that the seasonal clique is truly well-built of extraordinary and magical things-most of which don’t simulate good fettle with humans. Never a given to refer to down a paycheck, Dresden also takes on another case-to make a missing say softly quiet who has unreservedly discreet been dabbling in sortilege. 2. As Dresden tries to make use of the apparently separate cases, he is confronted with all the Windy City can flourish well-built of holes at him, from the lower classes to mages and all creatures in between. DARK TOWER: TREACHERY, before Peter David and Robin Furth solely belittling The ka-tet of Roland, Alain, and Cuthbert be enduring returned safely to their household in Gilead.

Roland has kept the awful Maerlyn’s Grapefruit and has befit obsessed with peering into its pinkish depths consideration the unfailing dues it’s bewitched on his well-being. But all is not good fettle. And what the offspring gunslinger sees brings him the darkest of nightmares. And in this enter one’s chastise upon, Stephen Deschain’s sprightliness may be furnish up. Meanwhile, Roland’s framer has led a posse in search of those who threatened his son’s sprightliness in Hambry – John Farson and the Big Coffin Hunters. This legend collects Dark Tower: Treachery numbered 1-6. BATMAN: R.I.P., before Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel Tying into his other blockbuster stories of 2008 FINAL CRISIS and BATMAN: THE RESURRECTION OF RA’S AL GHUL, the great Grant Morrison confronts readers with the incredible: The extermination of The Dark Knight.

3. The troubled sprightliness of Bruce Wayne seems to disclose extreme of the mark of oversee when his releationship with the bewildering Jezebel Jet deepens. Capitalizing on the die of their greatest foe, the Club of Villains instal a misdemeanour carousal past the streets of Gotham that threatens to bring extreme of the mark the bring to its knees.

Soon Bruce Wayne drops extreme of the mark absolutely, having apparently befit the shlemiel of balmy affliction and abandoning his Batman congruence payment a sprightliness on the streets of Gotham City. Graphic Best Sellers (Paperback)1. Along the approach, the concept of the super-hero is dissected as the heroes are stalked before an unidentified assassin. WATCHMEN, before Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons solely belittling Now A Major Motion Picture!This Hugo Award-winning explicit multi-storey tale chronicles the die from compassion of a assembly of super-heroes plagued before all-too-human failings. One of the most effective explicit novels of all values bright and early and a non-stop bestseller, WATCHMEN has been contrived on college campuses across the polity and is considered a gateway legend, unequalled readers to other explicit novels such as V FOR VENDETTA, BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and THE SANDMAN series. The Photographer before Emmanuel Guibert, Frederic Lemercier and Didier LefevreIn 1986, French photojournalist Didier Lefиvre accompanied a party of Doctors Without Borders (DWB) traveling to Afghanistan during the battle with the Soviet Union. 2.

It was his basic lecture. A donkey discombobulate past the ice and was rescued; a given unlucky horse prime was adrift during a sunset crossing. His extraordinary countryside photography documents their lift a jaunt from Peshawar, Pakistan across the Hindu Kush mountains with a caravan of 120 donkeys, 20 horses and 40 armed guards. When they reached their journey’s terminus in northern Afghanistan’s Yaftal valley, DWB bankroll attack up a clinic on a windswept porch with a courtyard that served as an ICU and a to hand mosque as a redemption office. 3.

The basic dependable was a offspring youngsters who burned his foot in a bread oven–a tasteless chaos in Afghanistan. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: SEASON 8, VOL. Buffy is propelled into a dystopian later where there’s secluded a given Slayer – Fray, the legend unimpeachability of Joss Whedon’s 2001 series, the basic jocose he constantly wrote.

4, before Joss Whedon, Jeph Loeb and Karl Moline solely belittling Willow and Buffy CEO to New York City to unlock the secrets of Buffy’s bewildering scythe, when something goes fabulously awry.

The “article” can be found in its original habitat here.

God bless you, internets. Every one.

Twitter Driveby

  • 00:34 RT @NotableNYC RT @ChrisGriswold Giant Thriller dance organizing in NYC to remember Michael Jackson: #
  • 18:54 @ironicsegue I only see one blue hand! One by one, hands of… fun? *mamboes?* #
  • 18:55 My mom got me a little jade foo dog! Help me name him. #
  • 19:01 RT @featherjean Awesomely hilarious AND true: How to meet and woo a nerdy girl #
  • 19:01 @Esperacchius Come on, I don’t want to be /that/ predictable. :D #
  • 19:25 @fourteenacross I am so in love with "200 Stories"! Does Katy Pfaffl have a date for her upcoming album? #
  • 19:25 @Esperacchius "Mouse" is predictable. Phil is insufficiently regal. :D #
  • 22:59 @fourteenacross I’m in! Just got my ticket–thanks for the heads-up. I love Ingrid Michaelson. #
  • 23:38 *snort* One of these things is not like the other… #
  • 00:05 Augh! Pat Rothfuss is going to Comic Con! Why on earth am I not going, too? #
  • 00:06 @SheckyX *eyebrow* #
  • 00:07 @paulandstorm I thought @(o_o)@ was Princess Leia #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 10:04 Hahahahaha, YES!!! My evil scheme was a resounding success! I flew home for my dad’s b-day 2 days earlier than he expected. Big surprise! #
  • 10:05 @MickeydotFinn It’s a restaurant. Of course, after reading the Vorkosigan books, I keep thinking of it as "Jackson’s Whole." #
  • 11:10 @Esperacchius I was quoting a friend’s compliment of Jackson’s Hole! How is that "talking smack"? XD #
  • 12:56 On Jim Butcher’s beta list, folks are jokingly shipping the Vord Queen with Spock. I love fandom. #
  • 12:57 @stephanieyee I say "coh-SEE" as well. How is Cosi supposed to be pronounced? #
  • 12:59 @Esperacchius It’s because the JH burgers are huge and glorious and promise instant heart disease. For my coworkers, this is a good thing. #
  • 15:26 RT @JHOCHE Only 17 tix left for the final Saturday performance of FIGHT GIRL BATTLE WORLD, get yours now! [Got mine!] #
  • 18:51 I leave the house for 2 hours to buy cookware and come back to find Michael Jackson dead? I can’t leave you alone for five minutes, world! #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 10:22 Sarah’s dog sounds like a squeaky toy. I think Puppy O’Clock may loom upon the horizon. #
  • 10:48 @travelingheidi Since when does Penn not play Princeton? What happened to those "Puck Frinceton" sweatshirt vendors on Locust Walk? #
  • 11:14 RT @buffyfest: We’re doing a Twitter drive for @CSTS We’ll donate .10 for every new follower from now until the NYC event on Sun! RT please! #
  • 11:37 Lazy day. Scalp massages all around! #
  • 12:14 @titleofshow We like you back! #
  • 12:33 @beachkid You might be in Mobile mode. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for a button that says "Standard." #
  • 14:10 @SheckyX No, I’m not thinking of getting a dog! Two coworkers bring their puppies in to work, and at Puppy O’Clock, I must play with them. #
  • 14:12 A follow-up to my earlier tweet to @travelingheidi — OH HELL NO. Penn as Princeton? Transformers 2 can bite me. #
  • 14:52 @beachkid Happy to be of assistance! *tips hat* #
  • 15:26 @sadbhyl According to Ebert, the Penn campus is merely standing in for Princeton. Excuse me as I gag. #
  • 15:30 "Those aren’t burgers, man, those are friggin’ death patties." –Pascy, on the culinary offerings of Jackson Hole #
  • 15:50 @Esperacchius I’m going to get you one of those "bubble boy" suits for your birthday. Stop injuring yourself! #
  • 16:00 @ee1013 They filmed an episode of the new "The Electric Company" next door to my apartment. It’s New York–it can happen! #
  • 16:50 Whee, Christina Courtin is playing at Le Poisson Rouge tonight! Just snagged her new album at B&N. #
  • 16:56 @hodgman "Olbermann suit"? I knew it! The women of Duchess killed Keith Olbermann, skinned him, and fashioned the husk into a suit for you! #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 10:20 Alarm didn’t go off. Instead, enjoyed dream combining Jim Butcher, Weird Al, RPing, and bowling/pictionary with Oprah. Way to go, brain. #
  • 10:25 Oprah was surprisingly good at pictionary. Had a gift for quickly capturing faces. #
  • 10:42 @SheckyX Poor Shecky! Hope your trial is as entertaining as mine was. I still need to blog about the complete incompetence of the lawyers. #
  • 11:03 There’s a brand of paper napkin called "Vanity Fair"? After the English novel about man’s sinful attachment to worldly things? Napkins? #
  • 11:14 New spot landed! My WOTD: "butyraceous" — n., of a buttery consistency. Thank you, @psychwrites, for the gift of that word! #
  • 12:23 Highly amusing song: Rock and Roll Nerd, by Tim Minchin — #
  • 12:23 @Esperacchius They use a different font in their logo. I don’t think they’re related. #
  • 13:34 @jimmyaquino It’s because people don’t know how to read instructions. There’s nothing wrong with Zicam, only with the morons misusing it. #
  • 17:21 Whee! Just swapped out my non-functional speaker with one that works! I think I shall serenade my coworkers with this: #
  • 17:47 Almost halfway into 2009. Yup, I still refuse to accept "webinar" is a word. #
  • 17:57 Hmph. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away my speakers. I wonder if there are any downstairs that aren’t being used… #
  • 18:12 Huzzah! Another pair of unspoken-for speakers has been located! Mine, all mine! #
  • 18:14 Also, I have hummus! All is right with the world. Except, y’know, in Iran. Okay, all is right with the Celliebelly and the Cellears. #
  • 20:22 Roommate all packed to move out tomorrow, taking cookware. I am reduced to eating leftover pad thai off a paper plate with a plastic fork. #
  • 20:24 @jimmyaquino Lookin’ sharp, there, Aquino! #
  • 20:27 Got my paper tweet from @sampotts! Yay for social experiments that don’t involve explosives! #
  • 20:42 @spodalicious Ooh, checking out their website now! This stuff is adorable! Thanks so much for the tip. #
  • 20:44 @Esperacchius Lord, no. I bought a fry pan, a saucepan, and a couple of cute mugs the weekend before last. It’ll get me through the week! #
  • 21:38 @AnnLarimer Harkness, Sparrow, or Billy Joel? #
  • 21:41 @mollycrabapple The first two remind me of Ronald Searle’s work. Great drawings! #
  • 22:14 RT @kitoconnell Blame @tanaise: Same-Sex Marriage Argument, the flowchart: #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 09:50 RT @nprnews NPR photo gallery of #IranElection protests over the weekend: #
  • 11:03 Concept art from Tim Burton’s "Alice in Wonderland" — #
  • 13:48 @jimmyaquino I’d take functioning zombie you in, as long as you promised to steer clear of my brain! #
  • 13:55 It’s about time! New service tracks online interest in TV shows: #
  • 14:33 So ready to wash my hands of this job. We have EXCELLENT reference, people! Why aren’t you using it? Why must I fix your obvious mistakes? #
  • 14:34 (By "job" I mean a specific spot we’re working on, not my place of employment. I love my job!) #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 00:22 Back in New York! Good day! #
  • 09:09 @mkcho73 A sleuth of bears? Someone needs to write a Bear Sherlock Holmes children’s book! #
  • 10:25 Finally got to see @hodgman’s speech from RTCD. Hilarious! Now to watch Obama’s… #
  • 10:37 RT @ShipLizard Fierce women of Iran: #
  • 10:42 RT @stephanieyee Very cool post-it art video! #
  • 11:01 RT @sinspired Funny regardless of your politics. :) RT @JibJab: JibJab’s new Original, "He’s Barack Obama" is now live! #
  • 15:13 @Dietcoke219 Of course! I was so amused, I read your insults aloud to my friends. :D #
  • 15:14 @terioncalling I think 150 would merit celebration! #
  • 15:28 @Esperacchius Uploading to YouTube now! Looks like it’s going to take a couple hours, though. Big file! #
  • 15:46 Watched "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang." Uproariously funny! RDJ is a delight! #
  • 16:50 @Uilos Ch 22: "I hate feeling like Han Solo in a world of Jedi. ‘I’m supposed to be the Jedi,’ I muttered aloud." #
  • 17:03 It’s up! @Esperacchius is a Jedi Harry Dresden: Thanks to the NY Jedi! #
  • 17:06 @Uilos *laughs* Huzzah! We have excellent timing. :D #
  • 19:32 @spodalicious Have a fantastic time! #
  • 20:50 Dear potential roommate, If you’re going to flake, call me or email me before I waste my evening, not two hours after we were to meet. #
  • 21:06 @SheckyX She changed her mind and decided my apartment was out of her price range. No explanation for her lack of courtesy. #
  • 21:32 Dear Lazyweb, I’m looking for a new DVR. I have no land line. Any recs? #
  • 21:34 *sporfle* Awesome mashup: Buffy vs. Edward: (h/t Kat) #
  • 21:53 @fredhicks Would it still get the actual shows via cable? I don’t want my net connection overtaxed. #
  • 22:07 @SheckyX Not phone–email. And AFTER I emailed HER to ask what was up. I was gloriously passive-aggressive, tempered with understanding. #

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