• 09:38 My dream: a Little Shop of Horrors-style Broadway musical in which the Weeping Angels kept killing the Glee kids. Well played, Subconscious. #
  • 11:39 @fredhicks Cackle maniacally as you shoot lightning from your fingertips? #
  • 11:51 @smuu It bugs me when people suggest creators are saying something about ALL WOMEN when they give ONE WOMAN certain qualities. #
  • 11:53 @DoctorLongscarf You are the only person I’ve seen posting this spoiler on Twitter. Have some respect for the Americans who rely on BBCA. #
  • 11:56 @ShannonKButcher That’s what you get for feeding boys after midnight! #
  • 12:00 @DoctorLongscarf Just because others are being inconsiderate doesn’t mean you should be, too. River Song would be furious! #
  • 13:12 @ravenofoctober My sophomore year roommate found a turtle that size in her pool filter! She kept it and named it "Filter." :D #
  • 13:18 A guy drove my my apartment, subwoofer blasting "God Bless the U.S.A." I applaud you, sir. #
  • 14:19 @ironicsegue The last time I bought stuff at Sephora, it was for cosplay. Maybe you can pretend? #
  • 14:19 @ksmccarthy24 Yay for dream ideas! #
  • 14:22 @ksmccarthy24 Frankly, I’m shocked people hire Tim Roth to play anything BUT wizards. #lightmanisawizardname #
  • 14:25 Aww, they have the same height difference as Harry and Murphy! bit.ly/inOR1I #shipshipship #onetrackmind #adangertomyselfandothers #
  • 14:37 @gillyperkygoth In what context? #
  • 14:39 @gillyperkygoth Oh, god, those banners are all ANCIENT. I’ll have to replace them at some point with art that doesn’t suck. :D #
  • 15:08 5 of 5 stars to Feed by Mira Grant www.goodreads.com/review/show/120068524 #
  • 16:20 @DoctorLongscarf "Melody"? ARGH, dude, I love your tweets, but if you’re going to post spoilers willy-nilly, you’re going to lose followers. #
  • 17:19 @MoTancharoen OMG SO CUTE. My faith in the next gener! ation is restored. :D #
  • 19:17 RT @ksmccarthy24: Dear Twitter: Does Tim Roth look like a wizard to you? #weirdwritingquestions // YES. #
  • 19:21 @blazeorama *BRAIN EXPLODES* #
  • 19:34 Hmm, should I go for @porchettaNYC tonight? Acceptable answers: Yes / Heck Yes. #
  • 21:15 RT @gillyperkygoth: So if we are @longshotauthor’s fans, then @longshotauthor is our…what? // Torturer? #
  • 21:20 I forgot @Mark_Sheppard was in the @WhiteCollarUSA pilot! Yup, it’s official. He has been on every show I love. #
  • 21:24 @mkcho73 Manhattanhenge is tomorrow, as well. And a couple dates in July! bit.ly/108t8A #
  • 23:00 @stellamortis Lovely! #
  • 23:10 @kierabot DAMMIT I HAVE A VERY VIVID IMAGINATION. *brings out the industrial-strength brain bleach* #
  • 23:15 @holajupiter DOCTOR WHO. The only valid answer to your question is DOCTOR WHO. #

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  • 10:40 @Ann_Richardson How cool! Hope you had fun. #
  • 10:40 @KevinConn Are you referring to The Rebel Flesh or The Almost People? #
  • 10:53 RT @gillyperkygoth: Jurassic Dresden BABY!!! gillyperkygoth.deviantart.com/art/052411-Jurassic-Dresden-210742979 #dresdenfiles #
  • 11:03 @MatthewRasins Not sure about BBC America, but the BBC had a new episode. #
  • 11:04 @holajupiter I’ve seen video of cats who can work doorknobs. Also velociraptors. #
  • 11:17 @talktosarah I have MS Word 2008, and there’s no dialogue box in the "Compare Documents" function. You just select the file–no options. #
  • 12:32 @talktosarah Thanks for investigating! How lame that they would leave out a feature they’d already created for a previous release… #
  • 12:46 New roommate is chilling at the apartment, waiting for a delivery from Ikea. Say hi to him! His name is Jon. #
  • 15:53 This ! post about simplicity vs. complexity in composition will be super hand y to have in mind as I work on the map: bit.ly/lYwpfV #
  • 16:18 @myyrdneopia Fun fact: That art was done by Emmy Cicierega, co-creator of Potter Puppet Pals. #
  • 16:21 RT @cleolinda: Hollywood Starts to Worry as 3-D Fizzles in U.S. – NYTimes.com: nyti.ms/kKwlJF // [Martin from the Simpsons]: HA-HAW! #
  • 17:11 CallerID was Unknown, but I answered anyway. A male voice said, "Hello, Cupcake." I have traded lives with someone more interesting than me. #
  • 17:27 @boymonster You look like a "Cupcake." #
  • 18:30 @fredhicks I saw that a while back, but I’d forgotten how beautiful it is. Thanks for sharing it, so I could see it again! #
  • 18:31 @RobJDurand @boymonster Would he be strawberry kiwi flavor? #
  • 18:37 @kierabot OOOOOOH. *downloads app* #
  • 18:39 @kierabot I don’t download a lot of apps. And I haven’t seen the app advertised on the site. Maybe I’m blind? #
  • 19:40 fyeahdresdenfiles tumblr star ted a Hipster Harry Dresden meme. I couldn’t resist! bit.ly/kX1bk0 #
  • 19:48 @boymonster That would be the joke, yes. :D #
  • 20:05 @MickeydotFinn I don’t get why they couldn’t air it Memorial Day Saturday, then RE-AIR it the next week, when everyone’s in town. #
  • 21:34 @OKBJGM Livin’ the dream, Javi. Livin’ the dream. #
  • 21:57 @RobJDurand @sunshineduk The hat wasn’t an error. It was a deliberate decision by the publicity ! team. Still, #voteNoOnHatsForHDCosplayers #
  • 22:41 @myyrdneopia You okay, man? #
  • 22:45 Is it wrong that whenever I see reference to a "crazy bearded man," I automatically think "Pat Rothfuss"? bit.ly/mAOWSM #
  • 22:51 @myyrdneopia Is it Tuesday yet? #

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  • 07:33 I rise from the slumbering deeps! Considering descending again. #
  • 09:37 Welcome to Twitter, @MsBritMorgan! #Middleman is my go-to show whenever I’m feeling low. You and @nataliemorales fill my world with joy! #
  • 10:03 @byharryconnolly If I had it my way, you would be eating all five of those cookies! #
  • 10:03 @SunshineDuk I keep reading "Fanime" as "Famine." It’s a bit morbid. #
  • 10:08 RT @wootshirt: $10.00 : Forbidden Future shirt.woot.co! m // HA! Great mashup. #
  • 10:30 @byharryconnolly Those people have no taste in cookies. #
  • 10:36 @smuu Using Cars 2 characters to advertise any product would make me less likely to buy that product. #
  • 11:34 Great photos of Obama’s European tour on @big_picture: bo.st/j63fq5 Adorable and charismatic, even though he thinks it’s 2008! #
  • 14:06 @Esperacchius Among the photos, you’ll find his signature in the guest book at Westminster Abbey. He dated it "Ma! y 24, 2008." #
  • 14:07 After a brief silence, it’s great to see @marashomemade tweeting the daily specials again. Congrats on the new location, Mara! #
  • 14:10 @ksmccarthy24 Glee! I like shows that are like Leverage! Also psychoes, as long as they are the fun kind and fictional! #
  • 14:45 @stellamortis @ksmccarthy24 The Chicago Code was canceled, too, and it’s SUPERB. Excellent, well-rounded characters. You’d like it! #
  • 15:14 @anglophile80 It is inconvenient to the MAX. But I’m glad it’s not gone entirely. #
  • 16:46 @lookupwards CUTENESS! It looks adorable! #
  • 18:07 So, today’s Doctor Who episode. I’m kind of not okay with it. #
  • 18:55 Saw ad for "The World According to Paris," which, due to bad font choices, looks like "The World According to Pants." I’d watch it. #
  • 18:57 @Esperacchius Well, the picture of Paris Hilton kinda cemented my desire to burn the knowledge of the show’s existence from my frontal lobe. #
  • 19:00 Today’s @GrouponNYC deals include six burger joints and two li! posuction specialists. America! #
  • 19:03 @ActuallyNPH My roommate can’t stop gushing about "Sleep No More"! I’ll have to get some friends together and see it. Thanks for the rec! #
  • 19:09 @boymonster I haz a TARDIS? #
  • 19:42 @byharryconnolly *glares at Goodreads users until they allow you to eat those cookies already* #
  • 20:26 Is there a way of getting MS Word to ignore formatting changes when comparing two documents and just get the changes in the text? #

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  • 23:40 I have broken @longshotauthor’s brain! Yesss! Sweet, sweet revenge for all the times he’s broken mine! #
  • 23:50 @seananmcguire *epic hugs* #
  • 00:05 @antonstrout YAY, someone to squee with about SYTYCD! My coworkers looked at me like I was insane when I expressed glee at its return. #
  • 00:30 What Five Days of Deadly Tornadoes Looked Like From Space (via @Gizmodo) t.co/pdl8VUn #
  • 07:35 @Brigid_Fitch @neilhimself Hope ! whoever divvies out the comics knows to give the Sandman collection to kids mature enough for the material! #
  • 12:20 I uploaded my videos from @mightykatemusic’s Monday gig, including the fabulous new "Bright Star" www.youtube.com/user/Priscellie #
  • 12:23 Woah! They’re letting us out at 4:00 today! Usually, I only leave work at 4 when it’s 4am! #
  • 23:06 Saw "Kung Fu Panda 2", then went with coworkers for margaritas and Mexican food. Had a fantastic time! Now sleepy from much boozahol. #

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  • 00:08 Oh, WOW. Just rediscovered @mightykatemusic’s "Carry On." MUSICAL PERFECTION. I want to immerse myself in this song. amzn.to/mM7PX6 #
  • 12:29 @kaz1544 Thank you! Send an email to priscellie (at) gmail.com, and I’ll give you a shipping quote. #
  • 17:09 I love it when childhood friends see the pictures of me in my Molly outfits on Facebook and think I look like that normally. #
  • 17:29 @contraducktory Normally, I look like a 67-year-old Albanian man. #
  • 17:38 @contraducktory I get that a lot. #
  • 19:06 Yes: gregtron.tumblr.com/post/5669607571/im-a-bit-too-late-to-the-party-here-but-theres #
  • 22:13 RT @OKBJGM: praying that "rule 34" doesn’t apply to "the middleman." // You *did* see that music video @nataliemorales and Brit Morgan made? #
  • 23:40 I have broken @longshotauthor’s brain! Yesss! Sweet, sweet revenge for all the times he’s broken mine! #
  • 23:50 @seananmcguire! *epic hugs* #

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  • 00:50 It is still my @ksmccarthy24’s birthday in some parts of the world, so I am merely the world’s 3rd most wretched friend! Hope it was LOVELY! #
  • 07:32 @stellamortis @julie_butcher I lived in Dallas 18 years, and I only encountered ONE house with a basement. #
  • 09:49 Nooo, I left my towel at home! What kind of hitchhiker am I? #towelday #
  • 10:52 Tested xkcd.com/903/ ‘s Wikipedia trivia on "Jim Butcher." It took 16 steps, but it worked! #
  • 11:22 Haha, YES! Wikipedia "first link" surfing f! rom "velociraptor" went into a loop! Take that, XKCD! xkcd.com/903/ #
  • 11:25 Office building testing its fire alarms this morning. Permission to go home and get my noise-reducing headphones? #
  • 11:28 *ear-splitting siren goes off* Me: It’s the rapture! Everyone, hide under your desks! #
  • 11:29 @mkcho73 I get into a loop at "meaning." If that’s not a metaphor for life, I don’t know what is. #
  • 11:51 @mkcho73 Very very. #
  • 12:48 Holy cow. They let us know TODAY we’ll have M emorial Day off. Usually they wait utnil 6pm the day before! #
  • 12:48 This is the most advance notice we’ve gotten for a holiday EVER! #
  • 13:53 What did @Za_Lord do to piss off Titania? nyti.ms/inWEqr #
  • 15:19 Lunch! twitpic.com/52g6cp #
  • 15:56 Hullo clouds hullo sky twitpic.com/52gjix #
  • 16:50 Preorder a Codex Alera map poster signed by @longshotauthor (Jim Butcher) and @priscellie, the illustrator! priscellie.com/store/ #
  • 22:20 Thanks to Alera Map virtual signing participants, I just made my 9, 10, & 11th Kiva loans! bit.ly/lkWxZI priscellie.com/store/ #
  • 22:36 @slky75 @longshotauthor The map for the Codex Alera books, you mean? Yup, that’s me! #
  • 23:40 @Esperacchius Because you choose to listen to people who hurt your self-esteem, rather than contribute to a healthy body image? #
  • 23:41 …Did my roommate’s guest break my chair and not tel! l me about it? #
  • 23:43 @tara_oshea One can never have enough blood spatter stock. It’s like, the rules of feminism. #
  • 23:52 @Esperacchius I meant "rather than listening to people who contribute to a healthy body image." Your jerk coworker isn’t helping. #

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  • 00:00 @ksmccarthy24 I adore that song to a truly ridiculous degree. #
  • 07:33 Rereading FEED, in preparation for DEADLINE on the 31st! @seananmcguire fills the world with zombies and love. #
  • 10:50 @rekjackson OMG THAT’S MUCH SOONER THAN I IMAGINED! ::does the dance of joy:: #
  • 13:18 First 30 Civil Unions in Chicago taking place in Millennium Park on June 2nd! bit.ly/lFc8Dr #
  • 13:18 I feel you, Mr. Puggles. popa! rtinferno.tumblr.com/post/5714168728 #
  • 18:41 @Wyrdstuff @byharryconnolly SO EXCITED! Can’t wait to see what you’ve created together. #
  • 18:55 @fredhicks Hero! #
  • 18:59 I will watch the heck out of this movie: www.aintitcool.com/node/49752 #
  • 20:19 Girl at the table next to me is reading @johncleaver’s MR. MONSTER. New York has good taste. #

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  • 00:17 @spodalicious *laughs* Drunk Lisa is a fun Lisa! #
  • 00:45 @Julie_Butcher @ShannonKButcher @longshotauthor You survived the Rapture! No getting injured by an Act of God allowed! #
  • 10:42 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Looks like @longshotauthor’s signing tour is coming to New York! bit.ly/kN1qcY Brb, scheming schemes. #
  • 11:25 Man, the Tribeca B&N is going to be a MOB SCENE. Not a lot of seating. When will B&N learn that popular genre authors need Union Square? #
  • !

  • 11:28 @SheckyX The two generally do tend to go together, yes. #
  • 11:32 @SheckyX Wonder if I can ask Penguin to save some for us, or if that would be a tremendous misuse of my power. :D #
  • 11:35 @SheckyX And plus… we’ve seen Jim many times. We’ve had cupcakes with him. I’m cool with standing at the back, letting others see. #
  • 12:01 RT @terryandrob: At last! A Nebula Award! bit.ly/kpF7yE Thank you one and all. // Congratulations! It’s a much-deserved win! #
  • 12:! 07 @JaneEspenson Wo ah! I had no idea you’d written for GoT! Now I’m even MORE excited about tonight’s episode! #
  • 12:08 @Dark_Puck He’s reportedly coming to McLean, VA, on August 1st. Still not terribly close to you, I know, but at least it’s the right state? #
  • 12:35 VERY TERRIBLE // RT @smuu: Wonder Woman Live Action "Shorts" Look bit.ly/jFRbuT via @comicvine #
  • 14:39 WOW. Finally watched "The Black Swan." What an EXTRAORDINARY film! Glad I saw it on DVD rather than in theatres, though. Yikes. :D #
  • 14:48 New Mika Merrylark! Thomas is amused! and Harry is raccoon-eyed and clueless about Luccio: bit.ly/k9klij #
  • 22:08 Back from a lovely dinner w/ @seananmguire and a bunch of awesome folks, most of whom were new to me. We talked about parasites and knives! #
  • 22:18 @fourteenacross Her name was trending earlier, so it’s gotta be super fabulous! Link if you find pictures! #
  • 22:21 @fourteenacross Fierce! #
  • 22:25 @holajupiter What does "Duarte" mean, btw? #
  • 22:29 @fredhicks That @byharryconnolly is both a FANTASTIC FREAKING WRITER and a classy dude. He deserves all the world’s bookmoneys. #
  • 22:32 @holajupiter Sweet! The next time I go through Duarte Square in NYC, I will know who it is named for! #
  • 22:35 Random cool thing: On the way to dinner, I got on the same bus as @seananmcguire! NYC is ridiculous big, but it can also be so small. #
  • 22:37 @anglophile80 Yeah, but there are a LOT of different means of transportation that could get me there, and the bus came every 9 minutes. #
  • 22:38 @anglophile80 And she could’ve been coming from anywhere in or out of the city. #
  • 22:42 @seananmcguire AIEEEEEEE! ::grabs knife defensively:: #
  • 22:43 @anglophile80 I award you these points! #
  • 22:56 How to Manipulate Your Body to Wake the Hell Up (via @Lifehacker) t.co/3AfmItc #
  • 23:07 @gwpfarker It doesn’t work for those of us who refuse to drink it. :D #
  • 23:16 @ gwpfarker I have fewer siblings, fewer piercings, far more boring hair, and an entire bathroom to myself, but I do feel a definite kinship! #
  • 23:23 @holajupiter Utah also has Mormon thrift stores with Animorphs books! And the Graduationsaurus! #
  • 23:24 @destroythemeek Thorki? Sounds… dorky. #
  • 23:25 @gwpfarker My ears were pierced. Now they’re not. Number of piercings: essentially zero. :D #
  • 23:29 @pjerky @! longshotauthor Chapter 2 of Ghost Story will be posted June 21st. Full schedule here: bit.ly/hUV3yC #
  • 23:31 @gwpfarker Sorry, I have way too many commitments right now already. Try asking for a beta/feedback on the fan work section of the forum. #

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From Twitter 05-15-2011

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