Glee! I was browsing Ellen Datlow’s livejournal, looking for references to an anthology she’s editing that features a short story by Jim, when I came upon a reference to her anthology featuring a short story written by my college roommate! I boggle at the spectacular pedigree of authors involved. Ko is in great company!

Twitter Driveby

  • 10:29 I don’t speak with haaaaaaaahd aaaaaaaaaaahs! #
  • 15:09 @boymonster The property damage would be cost-prohibitive for most MO crime. Maybe they’ll bring him in to fight an invasion of vord kudzu. #
  • 17:34 Coworker has a magnificently aromatic bowl of pesto pasta salad three feet from my head. I am going to steal it and eat it and make it mine. #
  • 23:05 "Marcone’s"? Dude, someone on the "Castle" writing staff is definitely a Dresden fan. #

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Academic Earth fills me with giddy glee. As described by LifeHacker:

Web site Academic Earth is like Hulu for academic lectures, pulling free lectures from Berkeley, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale into one attractive, easy to navigate site. It’s incredible.

The site clearly takes its cues from Hulu and iTunes on its design, but it’s ten times better than either, because it’s open. The videos can be embedded anywhere or downloaded and enjoyed wherever you want to take them. It’s easy to use, has tons of great content, and it doesn’t cost a dime.

Wow. I am on that like beige on unbleached rice. Now I just have to figure out where to start! Biology? Economics? Psychology? History? I think I’ll start with The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877.

Twitter Driveby

  • 17:01 @fredhicks Sometimes, your brain is awesome. #
  • 17:05 @creativeboost She graduated from my high school! #
  • 18:07 @paulandstorm Looking forward to tonight’s show! Anything we Twitter followers should mindlessly shout at cued moments? #
  • 18:55 Email spam: "Erase the memories of your failures." How… phildickian. (I’ve been waiting two years to use the word "phildickian"! YES!) #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 10:32 @sinspired Jim still has to finish Alera 6 before we can even talk about future Dresden fixes! He just posted ch6, and it’s a doozy! #
  • 10:33 @robaiello WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! #
  • 10:36 RT @cleolinda – "Take it easy on the kid, SilverFox316; everybody kills Hitler on their first trip": #
  • 10:40 RT @rdonoghue – From NPR: Teacher Sells Ad Space On Tests – #
  • 11:07 @stephanieyee Yes. #
  • 16:13 @stephanieyee Your coworkers disappoint me! #
  • 17:07 "Make him look more like Bruce Campbell in ‘Burn Notice’," they say. I’ll be happy to! #
  • 17:07 @Esperacchius WOOHOO! Big Apple, beware! #
  • 17:41 EpicBruceChin is Epic! #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 10:04 THIS! IS! CAKE-TOWN! #
  • 17:09 SWEET! My work Gmail now has Labs! #
  • 18:21 @sinspired I concur! Well, Murphy’s CMOA against the gruff in Mac’s was pretty glorious… #
  • 18:23 @mkcho73 AWESOME! Great photos. #
  • 18:26 RT @stephenfry – Sharks are NOT dangerous. More people are bitten by New Yorkers every year than sharks. Fact! #

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Your result for The 3-Variable Funny Test

the Wit
(52% dark, 27% spontaneous, 11% vulgar)

your humor style:

You like things edgy, subtle, and smart. I guess that means you’re probably an intellectual, but don’t take that to mean pretentious. You realize ‘dumb’ can be witty–after all isn’t that the Simpsons’ philosophy?–but rudeness for its own sake, ‘gross-out’ humor and most other things found in a fraternity leave you totally flat.

You just have a more cerebral approach than most. Your sense of humor takes the most thought to appreciate. You have the perfect mindset for a joke writer or staff writer.

PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Jon Stewart – Woody Allen – Ricky Gervais

I’ve updated the tnm.n photography gallery with the new photographs I took this past weekend. Shiny!

And again, I am struck silly by the dearth of photographs taken in 2008. I wonder if I have enough artsy photos to justify an “Around the City” category, like 2003’s “Around Penn” section. Bet I do.