I usually make it a policy not to open spam emails, but after reading the preview text Gmail allowed me, I had to make an exception. The full email read:

Ent amiss. Not until the rifle magazines were empty did they cease, and then only to reload. Again and once again they repeated the onslaught, until it would seem no object the size of a human being upon the place where they aimed could by any possibility remain alive. Then, and not until then, did silence return, did the dummy upon Stetson’s rifle again raise its head. But this time there was no response. They waited a minute, two minutes–tried the ruse again, and it was as before. Had they really hit the man out there, as they hoped, or was he, conscious of a trick, merely lying low? Who could tell? The uncertainty, the inaction, goaded all that was reckless in cowboy Buck’s nature,

So… what are they trying to sell me, again?

Oh, spam. I don’t think I will ever understand you.

Zoinks! It was just brought to my attention that LoudTwitter is now dead, and none of my posts have been showing up since the beginning of July. I want to try Twittinesis next, but I’m getting a “come back later” message when I try to register. In the meantime, you can read me tweeting Comic Con at my Twitter page.

For my records, here’s the entire month of July in an ungodly-long, reverse-chronological, linkless Twitterspam.

  • Hmm. Wonder if Katee Sackhoff could fit in suitcase, too. I think I need a bigger suitcase. (Are these tweets going to get me arrested?) 23 minutes ago
  • Photo of Matt Keeslar, Natalie Morales, and Avon bear is so ridiculously adorable! *squeesplosion!* Ditto Brendan Hines and Mark Sheppard. 26 minutes ago
  • Frak. Photo of Javi with Avon Bear is majorly blurry. Wonder if I can track him down today to retake it… @lisawalkscom 30 minutes ago
  • Looking through photos. Would it be wrong to kidnap Matt Keeslar and take him home in my suitcase? Because if so, I don’t wanna be right. 37 minutes ago
  • Dear Priscilla, You know that amazing 75-300mm lens you used for all your panels yesterday? Why didn’t you think to use it for Middleman? 40 minutes ago
  • @Dietcoke219 I didn’t get many shots of Kiefer, as I’m not a 24 fan, but I’ll send you and the Browncoats what I have! 42 minutes ago
  • Good grief, my feet *still* hurt from Thursday. The next time I wear those boots, I’m getting some serious Dr. Scholl’s. 43 minutes ago
  • Dichen Lachman (Sierra) and Fran Kranz (Topher) joined Joss and Eliza! I took way too many photos of DL. Girlcruuuuush. about 13 hours ago
  • O HAI THAR, KATEE SACKHOFF! :D :D :D <33333333 about 16 hours ago
  • Woo, got a seat! And it’s pretty sweet! Gonna try to move up as 24 and Bones fans leave, but I’m feeling cushy! about 16 hours ago
  • This line is so long, if you stretched it out, it could reach the moon and back. The entire population of California is in this line. about 17 hours ago
  • Heading to Dollhouse panel 3.5 hrs early. Think I’ll make it? about 18 hours ago
  • Got Jane Espenson’s photo and signature for PTB. She’s a breast cancer survivor herself. @spodalicious 5:40 AM Jul 24th
  • Thank you, @CapricaSeven, for participating in Project Teddybear! @lisawalkscom 5:37 AM Jul 24th
  • Grar. Have reached “usually-comfy shoes making my feet scream when I stand up” o’clock. Now sitting in line for Jane Espenson, et al. 4:58 AM Jul 24th
  • More Project Teddybear contributors: Pat Rothfuss and Tom Sniegoski. Also donated signed paperbacks! @lisawalkscom 4:51 AM Jul 24th
  • …and just moved to 2nd row, just off center. EPIC WIN, thy name is me. 3:12 AM Jul 24th
  • Holy moley! One of the last 10 folks let in to the Rothfuss panel, and actually managed a decent seat! Thank you, NerdJesus! 3:09 AM Jul 24th
  • Stopped by Penguin booth to say hi to @AnneSowards. Got some swag for @SheckyX! 2:47 AM Jul 24th
  • Woe! Line for Rothfuss panel is INSANE. Serves me right, arriving only 20 minutes early. 2:45 AM Jul 24th
  • Thank you, @nataliemorales, for participating in Project Teddybear! @lisawalkscom 1:35 AM Jul 24th
  • Got autographs and photos from whole Middleman cast for Project Teddybear & @spodalicious, plus Mark Sheppard on the Firefly glove! 1:34 AM Jul 24th
  • Met with two other Wendys, an Eisenhower and a vest, froming PERFECT WENDY TRIFECTA. Whole cast took pictures! 12:23 AM Jul 24th
  • At Middleman panel! Was just MOBBED by photographers. Yay for cosplaying! 10:45 PM Jul 23rd
  • Got Jorge Garcia’s signature for @spodalicious’ Project Teddybear! 10:08 PM Jul 23rd
  • Still reeling from Rothfuss encounter. Looking forward to another chat as I snag his autograph for breast cancer auction @lisawalkscom. 7:50 PM Jul 23rd
  • Gettin’ ready to face the day, Wendy Watson style! Man, these hotel towels are awesome. 7:34 PM Jul 23rd
  • Intoxicated from half an appletini? Ye gods, I really am tired! Must intake Niagra-like quantities of water, then sleep. 10:40 AM Jul 23rd
  • Eeeeeeee!!!! Just ran into Pat Rothfuss, and we had a long, lovely conversation, and he is made of awesome, and eeeeeeee!!! 8:15 AM Jul 23rd
  • Am selling Dresden books like hotcakes. Also learning awesome news I can’t wait to share, but can’t yet! Arghsquee! 7:03 AM Jul 23rd
  • SDCC folks, come visit me at the Dabel Brothers’ booth tonight, #2042! 7:02 AM Jul 23rd
  • Stopped by @Jamie1km’s booth, only to find @feliciaday instead! Lent her my keys so she could open a box. Will never use these keys again! 5:48 AM Jul 23rd
  • Good lord, iPhone has “mwahahahaha” as a suggested spelling as soon as you type in “mwahah.” My love for this little device grows stronger. 4:50 AM Jul 23rd
  • Derek left his cell in the hotel, so I’m manning the Dabel Brothers’ booth. Am mad with power, mwahahahaha! 4:47 AM Jul 23rd
  • Oy. No shuttle at hotel, as I previously believed. This is going to get expensive. Ah well! I can carpool. 3:24 AM Jul 23rd
  • Landed in San Diego! Flight spent well: one hour working on Alera map, two hours napping. Refreshed and ready for Nerd Prom! 2:40 AM Jul 23rd
  • Wow. Back row, middle seat. I have the cruddiest spot on the entire plane. Did I kick karma’s puppy or something? 11:34 PM Jul 22nd
  • All seems settled now, though. Got seat assignment, and sitting next to girl checking Twitter page w/ Jensen Ackles wallpaper. Yup. 11:04 PM Jul 22nd
  • Airport drama steams merrily ahead. Gate has been changed 3x now, and this airport is the size of a city. At least I’m getting my exercise! 11:02 PM Jul 22nd
  • @travelingheidi I land at 2:45. I’ll call you then! 5:59 PM Jul 22nd
  • Woo! Drama must be slain in DFW, but I’m cozy for now. At my gate w/ a seat next to a power outlet and a leaked copy of Epitaph One. Win! 5:06 PM Jul 22nd
  • In line at the airport, so aforementioned drama may be slain. Snicker-snack! 4:36 PM Jul 22nd
  • Time to beta a chapter of FLF before I go? With SDCC anticipation, I may face a dangerous level of squee. Chp. had me dancing in my chair. 3:41 PM Jul 22nd
  • Can barely eat breakfast, I’m so giddy! Heading for the airport in 25 minutes! San Diego, here I come! 3:36 PM Jul 22nd
  • @SheckyX Wordy McFreakin’ Wordsauce. 3:34 PM Jul 22nd
  • Woah. Have I lost weight since I last wore my Kaylee costume? I rock this jumpsuit! Alas, jacket swims on me. 8:37 AM Jul 22nd
  • A gloriously cracktastic prank at Red Lobster: The Curse of Cheddar Bay http://bit.ly/s9LJJ 2:54 AM Jul 22nd
  • Good lord, American Airlines is useless. Looks like I shouldn’t have any problem with my actual flights, but I could do without the drama. 2:13 AM Jul 22nd
  • May choose Kaylee simply because it takes up less space in my suitcase. 7:59 PM Jul 21st
  • And by Delirium, I meant Kaylee. Unless I want to do Delirium instead. Blarg, decisions. Kaylee is comfier, but Delirium is more dramatic. 7:57 PM Jul 21st
  • @AnneSowards Penguin has to wring every last drop of expertise from you before you leave, to compensate for your absence. 7:54 PM Jul 21st
  • So giddy about SDCC. Spent the morning rooting through closet, making sure I had all costume elements for Wendy, Trelawney, and Delirium. 7:50 PM Jul 21st
  • Mappity mappity map map map! 7:48 PM Jul 21st
  • Guns for Wendy Watson costume are done and lookin’ fab! 9:01 AM Jul 21st
  • Just had to log in to MySpace. I feel dirty. Out, damn’d spot! 8:00 AM Jul 21st
  • Holy frak! Please don’t kill yourself, John Barrowman! You are not your character! http://bit.ly/Plx03 6:37 AM Jul 21st
  • Wow. Spray paint is really, really hard to get off skin. 4:46 AM Jul 21st
  • Off to spray paint the toy guns for my Middleman costume! 4:19 AM Jul 21st
  • @NewMexiKo Probably! When in August? 3:11 AM Jul 21st
  • Glee! My beloved college roommate is on Twitter. Welcome, @NewMexiKo! 2:47 AM Jul 21st
  • RT @SpanoMano, @COEDMagazine, @JustinWise: AT&T Is A Big, Steaming Heap Of Failure http://digg.com/u18tBR // Please RT to save the #iPhone! 2:05 AM Jul 21st
  • @Esperacchius Booyeah! Can’t wait for you to wow your audience. You’ll be fantastic! 1:29 AM Jul 21st
  • Cast photos for Avatar released. http://bit.ly/HptAY Costumes and makeup look great! If only they had Asian people occupying them. 1:06 AM Jul 21st
  • RT @spodalicious experimenting with twitter for upcoming auctions/fundraising. Please follow @lisawalkscom if willing to help :) 1:04 AM Jul 21st
  • @AnneSowards *Fosse left, Fosse right, waves Anne-glorifying jazzhands* 12:40 AM Jul 21st
  • @SappySwami You look like the offspring of John Hodgman and Harry Potter. In as complimentary a way as possible! Have fun! 11:31 PM Jul 20th
  • My boss is watching Battlestar Galactica. MY BOSS IS WATCHING BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. I love my job! 8:19 PM Jul 20th
  • Dear Amazon, Don’t toy with my emotions and say the next Locke Lamora book is available to order when it isn’t expected for another year. 7:19 PM Jul 20th
  • Took massive group of friends to see “Fight Girl Battle World.” The @vampirecowboys are freaking brilliant! So glad I got to see it again. 7:07 PM Jul 19th
  • Okay, I now have two extra tickets to the @vampirecowboys show! Anyone interested? 1:44 AM Jul 19th
  • I have an extra ticket for tonight’s @vampirecowboys show! Do you know of anyone that can use it, @beyondabsurdity? 9:50 PM Jul 18th
  • @hobbitwriter All the reading material in the world, and you want to spend time on my blog archives? Do you want book recs? *boggles* 6:31 AM Jul 18th
  • @Uilos The same! And she became a joyously flattered ball of squee when I told her you knew her from her fic. <3 4:59 PM Jul 17th
  • Yay, I has a Kat! 5:46 AM Jul 17th
  • @Wraithmaker Jim wrote the Spidey novel back in 2006. They just re-released it with a new cover. 5:29 AM Jul 17th
  • Huh. Friend that was supposed to be getting in around 8 probably getting in closer to 10. I guess that’s why the bus is so cheap. :D 4:15 AM Jul 17th
  • RT @smuu Lightsaber chopsticks! http://bit.ly/LVauF 1:30 AM Jul 17th
  • Boycott Nokia for facilitating EVIL! http://tinyurl.com/nqmdxz http://tinyurl.com/n4a8p3 (h/t @AnnLarimer, @Glinner) #iranelection 8:04 PM Jul 16th
  • This computer doesn’t have Helvetica? What kind of design firm is this! (Answer: One in which I make 3D models, not typographic decisions) 7:22 PM Jul 16th
  • I need to do some serious sorting after SDCC. The piles of papers, magazines, foofaraw, etc. need to get the axe. 8:52 AM Jul 16th
  • @MelissaRuby Sounds thrilling! Hope none of them tried to scrape you off, like “Missy” when we were kids. :D 8:50 AM Jul 16th
  • @Esperacchius I hope someone records it! I’m so thrilled for you, and I can’t wait to hear how you wow the audience. 8:39 AM Jul 16th
  • @stephanieyee I just got a basic home Singer. I didn’t do any research, but I’m quite pleased with the purchase. 2:01 AM Jul 16th
  • But a coworker gave me a lemon popsicle, so I guess it’s all okay. 1:44 AM Jul 16th
  • OW. Sandaled foot stuck in elevator, and arms full of sewing machine. Took full minute to extricate myself. Now hobbling around office. 1:43 AM Jul 16th
  • @AnneSowards I’ll definitely come by! Hope you’ll be able to sneak out to the Middleman panels on Thursday morning. :D 10:56 PM Jul 15th
  • @fredhicks Bravo! Congrats to you and all your awesome collaborators. 10:49 PM Jul 15th
  • @holajupiter Holy moley! Don’t die! 10:02 PM Jul 15th
  • Yay, my wig was delivered! No post office drama! Gives me greater impetus to clean quickly, so I can start styling it. 9:58 PM Jul 15th
  • RT @mental_floss Today’s Lunchtime Quiz: Harry Potter Character or Hideous Skin Disease? http://tinyurl.com/l5us4h // I got 100%! 9:46 PM Jul 15th
  • @hodgman What did you have for breakfast? I had a bagel and a banana. They were okay. #boringest 8:15 PM Jul 15th
  • Pricey fix for sewing machine and tailoring for jacket/tie, but at least it’s off my To-Do list. I need to clean like a madwoman tonight! 8:12 PM Jul 15th
  • @jimmyaquino I’ll make origami cranes for you from Starburst wrappers for free! I’m a paper crane ninja. 8:54 AM Jul 15th
  • Jammed my sewing machine on a truly epic scale. Must bring it to a repair shop over lunch tomorrow. Also, let a tailor do the @#% sleeves. 8:43 AM Jul 15th
  • @featherjean Puppies and kitties exist! They are fluffy and huggable! 6:28 AM Jul 15th
  • @sinspired TRIUMPH! 1:43 AM Jul 15th
  • @txvoodoo It’s necessary camouflage, to protect Sarah’s family from the liberal elite and “gotcha” media. 12:34 AM Jul 15th
  • “A sexy woman appears rakishly, splashing water all around her.” You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. 11:48 PM Jul 14th
  • Feh. Am Boss of Character Land today, delegating tasks to minions. Apparently, “Give me a backrub”is abuse of power. Minions getting uppity. 9:51 PM Jul 14th
  • Woo, Greek food smorgasbord goin’ on in Character Land today! Lamb shish, chicken souvlaki, veggie moussaka, calamari, and Greek salad. Yum! 9:32 PM Jul 14th
  • @Jamie1km Of course I am! I thought you were awesome long before Felicia Day did. :D 9:24 PM Jul 14th
  • The crazy-brilliant “Fight Girl Battle World” opens today! I’m going Saturday, but I envy all you lucky dogs seeing it tonight! Break a leg! 7:39 PM Jul 14th
  • @Jamie1km Too cool for words! 7:28 PM Jul 14th
  • Your Morning Awesome: Vatican Endorses 6th Harry Potter movie http://bit.ly/7nkgf 7:26 PM Jul 14th
  • Whew! Cropped jacket and tailored shirt. To Do: Crop jacket sleeves, crop shirt, style wig (should arrive Wed/Thu), paint gun, wow Javi! 10:27 AM Jul 14th
  • Oh, lord. Roommate is a pancake GODDESS. Light, fluffy, almost crepe-esque. The lightest touch of butter and Grade B syrup = perfection! 8:05 AM Jul 14th
  • @DerekRuiz Great! I look forward to chilling with you and the rest of the Dabel crew. This is going to be so much fun! 6:52 AM Jul 14th
  • Centering myself again. Worked on costume, spoke with mom for a couple hours, and enabled roommate’s scheme to make pancakes for coworkers. 6:38 AM Jul 14th
  • @AnneSowards Sounds like a good Project Runway challenge! Make it work, Anne! (Glad to see you on Twitter, by the way. :D) 6:35 AM Jul 14th
  • Hee! Did you catch True Blood last night, @beyondabsurdity? “The vampires here, they’re like cowboys.” 5:09 AM Jul 14th
  • @kitoconnell Gesundheit. 8:05 PM Jul 13th
  • RT @AnnLarimer RT @cleolinda: RT @ropeofsilicon: TCM’s ‘Summer Under the Stars’ Posters are Phenomenal http://tinyurl.com/kk893l 6:21 PM Jul 13th
  • Three hours of glee was more than compensated for by an hour and a half of concentrated pain. I’m single again. What is it about July? 10:32 AM Jul 13th
  • …And in those three hours, I completely forgot I had laundry in the dryers. My clothes shall be wrinkly, but my fandom shall rejoice! 8:27 AM Jul 13th
  • Spent three hours gabbing with Jim Butcher over IM about Aleran geography. Awesome Jim-Thing #3 is a map, to be published in book 6! 8:25 AM Jul 13th
  • @TheGreenRonin Wendy Watson, from the graphic novel version of “The Middleman.” 3:41 AM Jul 13th
  • Called Mom to get her input on the costume. To my surprise, she was very pro-comic! Now feel confident and enthusiastic and ready to work! 3:27 AM Jul 13th
  • @travelingheidi Woe! I’m leaving the con at noon on Sunday, so I won’t be able to attend. 2:18 AM Jul 13th
  • @qikipedia And in Greek, “ne” means “yes.” 2:12 AM Jul 13th
  • @fourteenacross Ooh, good words! *Stores “pre-sequitur” and “post-sequitur” in knowledge banks* 2:09 AM Jul 13th
  • Hokay! Have polled friends, and folks vote comicverse. I’ll just have to keep reminding myself, “At least you’re not dressed as Leeloo.” 9:26 PM Jul 12th
  • @paulandstorm Jukebox? Jellyfish? Janis Joplin? 9:19 PM Jul 12th
  • A wigless Wendy comparison: http://theninemuses.net/jun… Thoughts? 8:59 PM Jul 12th
  • Should I do TV-verse Wendy instead? Is there time to order a different wig? 7:50 PM Jul 12th
  • Pinned blouse and jacket of Wendy costume for sewing, tried them on, and… I look like a skank. Delightful. 7:49 PM Jul 12th
  • RT @awesomeopolis How Do You Open a Banana? http://tinyurl.com/kk2oxf // My mind is blown! 6:12 PM Jul 12th
  • Lamesauce. Ryan Reynolds is Hal Jordan. I was hoping for @nathanfillion! http://twitthis.com/5c4xrc 5:48 PM Jul 12th
  • Hilarious YouTube video: Yo Comments are Whack! http://bit.ly/YkKV8 (via @xiehicks) 5:44 PM Jul 12th
  • Just posted my 3,000th tweet! Where do I pick up my medal? 5:24 PM Jul 12th
  • @drewtoothpaste Bless you, sir. 5:24 PM Jul 12th
  • Aww, roommate just gave me a peach! I love peaches! And it tastes fresh and delicious, mmmmm. 7:49 AM Jul 12th
  • @MickeydotFinn In “Name of the Wind: The Movie!” Now imagining Bast singing about evils of Prop 8 and cute girls at laundromat. 6:52 AM Jul 12th
  • Note to self: Do not make puns in French with Russian roommate. In fact, just don’t try to make puns in French *ever.* 6:33 AM Jul 12th
  • Supergluing my big, pretty platter and my little bowls back together. Not sure bowls worth saving, but big, pretty platter certainly is! 6:19 AM Jul 12th
  • @SheckyX Word of God! 6:04 AM Jul 12th
  • OOH. NPH as Bast? SO MUCH YES. 5:01 AM Jul 12th
  • Watching Rothfuss interview. Hah, 18:58 is my life right now, in reverse! Priscilla Spencer: Forensic Cartographer! http://bit.ly/AP2ij 5:00 AM Jul 12th
  • @spodalicious WOOHOO! We’re cheering for you! Keep going! 3:10 AM Jul 12th
  • Rar. Universe resisting my efforts to alter Wendy jacket. Get with the program, universe! 10:06 PM Jul 11th
  • @mkcho73 I haven’t had caffeine since 7th grade. I’m really not an authority on the subject of energy drinks. :D 8:30 AM Jul 11th
  • @mkcho73 There are like six energy-producing chemicals in those things, of which caffeine is only one. Folks still get the jolt without it. 8:14 AM Jul 11th
  • Eee! A friend of a friend is going to be on season 6 of Project Runway! Everyone cheer for Malvin, because he is made of cute. 7:30 AM Jul 11th
  • GUH. This is gorgeous! Why don’t I watch SYTYCD? http://bit.ly/16jqAE 11:02 PM Jul 10th
  • @SappySwami That link has a PhD in horribleness. 7:48 PM Jul 10th
  • @tomlenk We’re always happy to have you in NYC! 7:47 PM Jul 10th
  • @neilhimself Pratchett did it 1st. Dean: ‘Twas beauty killed the beast. Chair: No it wasn’t. It was it splatting into the ground like that. 8:46 AM Jul 10th
  • Thursday’s SDCC schedule is up! Man, that day is going to be awesome. Middleman + Psych + Pat Rothfuss = Celliegasm! 7:21 AM Jul 10th
  • @fourteenacross I’ll try! 7:18 AM Jul 10th
  • @terioncalling *frolics with joy* 6:06 AM Jul 10th
  • @holajupiter There’s a nature blog that celebrates “Cephalopod Fridays” with a picture of a different species each week. You’d hate it. :D 6:03 AM Jul 10th
  • D’oh! That was close. T-shirt slogans NOT to wear when meeting someone from Craigslist: “I Can Kill You With My Brain.” 4:28 AM Jul 10th
  • @xiehicks I am squeeing like a little @rdonoghue at that! 2:56 AM Jul 10th
  • @psychwrites I am so there! 1:13 AM Jul 10th
  • @Uilos Behold my total and utter lack of surprise. 1:08 AM Jul 10th
  • @terioncalling Molly/Carlos! Or Molly/Vince. :D Something post-TC. 1:07 AM Jul 10th
  • Thanks for losing my reservation, American Airlines! Nice to lose the last seat on any nonstop flight to SDCC because of a site glitch. 11:24 PM Jul 9th
  • Yay, I missed the previous one due to cloudiness! RT @sampotts RT @rendamorton Manhattanhenge is this weekend http://tinyurl.com/qetuwy 7:36 PM Jul 9th
  • So what’s the verdict on Warehouse 13, Twitterverse? Worth checking out? 7:32 PM Jul 9th
  • RT @mental_floss Much of the budget for ‘Monty Python & The Holy Grail’ came from donations by members of Led Zeppelin, Genesis & Pink Floyd 6:54 PM Jul 9th
  • Back from seeing @tomlenk perform! He was hilarious, candid, and a genuinely nice guy. Best of luck getting into @ROCKOFAGES, man! 9:09 AM Jul 9th
  • @mkcho73 I love that song. I didn’t know you were an Idina Menzel fan! 3:24 AM Jul 9th
  • @boymonster Nathan Fillion would protect me! 3:20 AM Jul 9th
  • @boymonster In my Maeve costume, I’m sure I could find some. :D 3:17 AM Jul 9th
  • RENATA! *leaptackles @holajupiter* 3:17 AM Jul 9th
  • In addition to Wendy, which of my existing costumes should I wear at SDCC? Molly, Maeve, Delirium, Trelawney, Sally, Kaylee, or Zoe? 3:15 AM Jul 9th
  • Four sweater-vests! 11:47 PM Jul 8th
  • @Jamie1km Will do! Yay! 11:35 PM Jul 8th
  • @boymonster When I lose all self-respect and sense of propriety? :D 11:35 PM Jul 8th
  • Comicverse Wendy Watson costume shall advance forward in earnest! 11:05 PM Jul 8th
  • OH HECK YEAH! I’m going to Comic Con! I owe @DerekRuiz a drink. Will I see any of you there, fellow Twitterfolk? 10:58 PM Jul 8th
  • Steph was laughing about suckiness of shortness. I played her Randy Newman’s song. Her: “If I go home and commit suicide, it’s your fault.” 10:40 PM Jul 8th
  • Happy 12:34:56 EST on 7/8/9! 9:05 PM Jul 8th
  • @travelingheidi OMG, you are two blocks away from me! My office is at 45th and 5th. Hello, Harry! Hello, lions! 8:38 PM Jul 8th
  • Aww. For a brief, shining moment, I thought I was going to get to make the Wonderfalls cow creamer. :D 8:37 PM Jul 8th
  • Just explained to roommate. She seemed confused. Hope she doesn’t think “shower at the same time” means… er… “shower at the same time.” 4:53 PM Jul 8th
  • I wonder if she realizes our bathrooms aren’t connected, and we can both use the showers at the same time w/o freezing the other… 4:46 PM Jul 8th
  • !!! Roommate gets into the shower at 8:13 AGAIN today, despite fact she must leave at 8:20. At least she has towels this time. 4:45 PM Jul 8th
  • New Google Chrome OS: http://is.gd/1qYom Cool idea, but who would use an OS that doesn’t work w/o an internet connection? 4:42 PM Jul 8th
  • @travelingheidi Welcome to New York! What’s on the agenda? 4:39 PM Jul 8th
  • Is it 7:00 yet? 12:44 AM Jul 8th
  • Ooooh, have you seen those new Chase deposit ATMs? Technology pretty. 7:22 PM Jul 7th
  • …Also, roommate does not have TOWELS yet. What is going on? 4:51 PM Jul 7th
  • @terioncalling Ooh, glee! Dresden, certainly. What are you getting the most joy out of writing lately? Any bunnies nibbling at your heels? 4:50 PM Jul 7th
  • @Esperacchius Teach you not to wear sunscreen! Or to not reapply it every two hours! 4:49 PM Jul 7th
  • …teh whuh? Roommate does know she has to leave for work in three minutes, yes? Why did she just turn on the shower? 4:48 PM Jul 7th
  • Gak! Roommate just gave me this month’s rent and the security deposit in CASH. Please don’t let me get mugged before I can visit the bank… 4:37 PM Jul 7th
  • Just typed “beta” as “bate.” Not sure I’m qualified for that role this early in the morning. 4:34 PM Jul 7th
  • @ee1013 Yikes! What does he have? Do they know? He’ll be in my thoughts. 7:39 AM Jul 7th
  • RT @AnnLarimer It’s a baby human! RT @peggsterdotnet: SIMON’S BLOG: Baby News : http://tinyurl.com/babypegg 7:18 AM Jul 7th
  • @sinspired Monorail kitteh can has really unfortunate timing. 7:17 AM Jul 7th
  • @Esperacchius I bet you look like an adorable punk raccoon. :D I hope it doesn’t sting too much! Aloe is your friend. 5:50 AM Jul 7th
  • @hobbitwriter Yay, glad you enjoyed! “Turn Coat” was fantastic. 5:49 AM Jul 7th
  • Thanks also to @SheckyX, @MickeydotFinn, @sadbhyl, @boymonster, and @sue_sue4 for all your suggestions. You guys rock. 5:47 AM Jul 7th
  • @mac_fix_it You are a LIFESAVER! Thank you! 5:45 AM Jul 7th
  • @paulandstorm …only to have it pointed out immediately after that “WyFy” is Polish for “wyphilis.” 10:35 PM Jul 6th
  • RT @mental_floss The male Acarophenax tribolii mite hatches while still inside its mother, then impregnates its sisters & dies before birth. 9:13 PM Jul 6th
  • The special Comic Con edition DVD of Dollhouse is released in 25 minutes. Any compelling reason I should get that instead of the normal DVD? 9:06 PM Jul 6th
  • @boymonster *snork* Brilliance! I want it, too. http://controversy.wearscie… 6:34 PM Jul 6th
  • 1600-year-old bible found! And it’s missing the Easter story. Whoops. http://tinyurl.com/oq6bp2 (h/t @drewtoothpaste) 6:31 PM Jul 6th
  • @Uilos Yes. Yes, you have. That is why you will be awesome. 6:24 PM Jul 6th
  • @boymonster Nice! Congrats! 6:02 PM Jul 6th
  • @JHOCHE I’m coming with a massive group of friends on Saturday, and I’m strongly considering getting a ticket for Wednesday, as well. :D 6:01 PM Jul 6th
  • @boymonster I’m so putting “Near-Superhuman Accomplisher of Feats of Utter Fandom” on my business card. 5:50 PM Jul 6th
  • @Owlswing38 Wendy Watson is the heroine of the “Middleman” comic books and TV show. I adore her! And now I have her boots! 5:48 PM Jul 6th
  • Correction: The glorious @JHOCHE and the esteemed Paco Tolson are responsible for the Fight Girl videos! @beyondabsurdity just linked them. 5:46 PM Jul 6th
  • Bollywood does He-Man: http://bit.ly/ynSVZ @kevinconn will love this. 5:42 PM Jul 6th
  • Network troubleshooting: Hard enough normally. Now try it on a computer where everything is in Russian. 4:50 PM Jul 6th
  • Help! I need to give my wireless network password to my new roommate, but I can’t find where I wrote it down. Can I look it up on my Mac? 4:49 PM Jul 6th
  • Just watched @beyondabsurdity’s latest “Fight Girl Battle World behind the scenes” video! I want to see this show every day forever. 8:57 AM Jul 6th
  • @boymonster *is smug* 8:39 AM Jul 6th
  • @Esperacchius It is AWESOMER. 8:39 AM Jul 6th
  • I chronicle my day of win here: http://bit.ly/16Jvmp 8:13 AM Jul 6th
  • Today, I am a duck. I may look calm, but my feet are paddling madly away under the surface. And no way will I drown. 3:19 AM Jul 6th
  • Coraline with @fourteenacross was SO BRILLIANT, by the way. The Cat stole the show. Thanks, Stephin Merritt and @neilhimself! 2:02 AM Jul 6th
  • While out on my Day of 1,000 Errands, I realized I forgot to charge my cell, so I stopped by Apple store to charge & check email. I <3 NY. 1:58 AM Jul 6th
  • I HAVE A FUTON! *angelic choir!* 9:47 PM Jul 5th
  • @xiehicks Evie is quite sensible. :D Yay for humanity! 7:20 PM Jul 5th
  • OMG. Those awesome boots my sister gave me last weekend? NOT pirate queen. They are PAGE-IDENTICAL COMIC BOOK WENDY WATSON. 6:19 PM Jul 5th
  • @bomburjo I hope you’ll have time for me to say “Hello” at you! I know where to find the best cupcakes in Manhattan. :D 5:16 PM Jul 5th
  • @SheckyX Yup. Internship. 4:52 PM Jul 5th
  • @SheckyX I figured it would be easier to fill the room for two months, then start the next lease in Sept, so I could tap the student influx. 4:36 PM Jul 5th
  • @jimmyaquino *waves frantically* Me! Me! 4:35 PM Jul 5th
  • @SheckyX Sounds Seussian. “I must not fail to rent my room / For if I do, it’s certain doom!” 10:30 AM Jul 5th
  • @neilhimself I’ll be at the 3pm show! Can’t wait! 10:21 AM Jul 5th
  • @Esperacchius No, roomie has been found for July-August. September ’09 to September ’10 is a whole new drawing board. 9:23 AM Jul 5th
  • Life is kind of peaceful when you learn to Stop Worrying And Love Awesome (Yet Frustrating) Jim Thing #3. 9:12 AM Jul 5th
  • @ee1013 Perhaps the NY Jedi were involved! Do you know, @Uilos? 5:49 AM Jul 5th
  • @ShipLizard Danke! 5:42 AM Jul 5th
  • Whuh? I specified in my ad that I’m looking for a female roommate, yet the only 2 hits for the “starting September” stint have been dudes. 5:28 AM Jul 5th
  • @stephanieyee It’s everywhere you want to be! 5:24 AM Jul 5th
  • @hodgman Call 1-800-4YAHWEH. Or alternately, 1-800-RANDOMFLUCTUATIONSINTHESPACETIMECONTINUUM. 5:23 AM Jul 5th
  • And we’ve worked out the financials on paper, so that takes care of a big potential source for drama. Also, she’s adorably sweet. A++. 5:17 AM Jul 5th
  • It’ll be a challenging two months, but the STAGGERING RELIEF at finding someone overshadows all. 5:16 AM Jul 5th
  • *Roommate* and I communicate much better in person! This will work! She’ll move in on Monday and use the futon I’ve been shopping for. 5:15 AM Jul 5th
  • Oh, ye gods. Russian Potential Roommate doesn’t understand when I tell her there’s no bed. Should I pester Russian coworker to translate? 3:20 AM Jul 5th
  • @edeainfj I had the opposite problem in high school. Hard to find dress shoes in a Women’s 11 1/2 that didn’t look suited for drag queens. 2:16 AM Jul 5th
  • Plans to hang out with Ko as she staked out a good fireworks-watching spot derailed by parks being closed off at *5*. For a show at *9*. 2:13 AM Jul 5th
  • It suddenly occurs to me that tonight’s Potential Roommate probably doesn’t realize room is unfurnished. Feh. *reposts to Craigslist* 1:59 AM Jul 5th
  • I’m going to @tomlenk’s show this Wednesday at http://www.donttellmamanyc…. — anyone else wanna join me? 1:58 AM Jul 5th
  • @mkcho73 Blow up a car with a couple of tampons? You should ask @donttrythis. 1:52 AM Jul 5th
  • @Esperacchius I already told you about Awesome Jim-Thing #3! It’s the thing I stupidly volunteered for, because if I didn’t, no one would. 7:05 PM Jul 4th
  • RT @Esperacchius Coke Zero: zero calories, zero inhibitions, zero fulfillment. (Me: Wonder where you heard that. :D) 7:03 PM Jul 4th
  • YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!! I’m hooking up with one of my best friends from high school for lunch! She and her mom are in town this weekend. <3! 6:47 PM Jul 4th
  • Awesome Jim-Thing #3 makes my brain hurt. Sleep time! 7:23 AM Jul 4th
  • Would it be lame if I went to sleep right now? Should repost Craigslist ad and get headway on next draft of Awesome Jim-Thing #3 first. 6:33 AM Jul 4th
  • RT @drewtoothpaste OMG, the republicans are ruined forever. Sarah Palin sex tape is out: http://bit.ly/tN82 (Me: *dies laughing*) 6:14 AM Jul 4th
  • @stephanieyee Have you tried the lobster mac and cheese at “Thirteen,” at the hotel across from the Philly convention center? Crazy yum. 6:08 AM Jul 4th
  • Oh my GOD, I forgot how irritating Sarah Palin’s voice was! Comfy bed! Comfy bed! 6:05 AM Jul 4th
  • Hmm. Move to the common room to see what Olbermann and Maddow are saying about Palin, or stay in my comfy bed? Must replace futon SOON. 6:01 AM Jul 4th
  • @MoTancharoen You ask the Joss Whedon fanbase if they want something nifty sooner rather than later? Methinks we are a smidgen predictable. 5:56 AM Jul 4th
  • Whew! I’m back from my crazy long walk with @spodalicious. Got my feet and the A/C up. (Does that qualify as a #zeugma, @definethis?) 4:30 AM Jul 4th
  • This correct spelling of the name Enver Gjokaj is brought to you by iPhone’s copy/paste function. Carry on. 2:30 AM Jul 4th
  • @Uilos Parasols were invented for the sun. Ask yourself: What Would Kaylee Do? 2:26 AM Jul 4th
  • @SheckyX Did I mention they were wearing speedos? And had over-tanned, leathery, old man skin? 2:24 AM Jul 4th
  • Oh hey, my iPhone’s internet is suddenly working again! Apple-healing powers of @hodgman’s borough? 2:22 AM Jul 4th
  • We passed Enver Gojksasdfz (Viktor of “Dollhouse”) on Brooklyn Bridge! I didn’t see him, alas. 1:59 AM Jul 4th
  • Whew! At Grimaldi’s. Must’ve walked at least 8 miles. 1:57 AM Jul 4th
  • Dear dude with an umbrella, it’s not raining. In fact, it’s gloriously sunny! Or is that the problem? 11:50 PM Jul 3rd
  • *laughs* oh, man. Here I was, singing the praises of East River Park, when I suddenly came upon Gross Old Dude Sunbathing Central. XD 11:25 PM Jul 3rd
  • Heading out to meet @spodalicious! 10:49 PM Jul 3rd
  • @SappySwami Supercomputer? You could generate better scripts on a Commodore 64. 9:52 PM Jul 3rd
  • @Jamie1km Which princess are you today? 6:48 PM Jul 3rd
  • HUZZAH! Fixed my scanner! 6:45 PM Jul 3rd
  • RT @donttrythis: Richard FEYNMAN tells it like it is: THIS is the rational view of the universe. Accept no less. http://tinyurl.com/nsz2ym 6:44 PM Jul 3rd
  • @spodalicious I look forward to joining you at 90th street, just after mile 12. Should be around 3, yes? 5:55 PM Jul 3rd
  • Spam: “Declare your independence: Don’t grill, order Domino’s!” I just facepalmed. 5:35 PM Jul 3rd
  • @neilhimself I saw “Kooza” a few weeks ago. You’ll love it! 5:23 PM Jul 3rd
  • RT @NotableNYC Ever see the Declaration of Independence? Jefferson’s handwritten draft is on display at the NYPL: http://bit.ly/rhJi7 8:39 AM Jul 3rd
  • @DerekRuiz You give people leprosy, hang out with tax collectors, and are mean to prostitutes? 10:59 PM Jul 2nd
  • “Crackheads say the darndest things.” –Matt S 10:53 PM Jul 2nd
  • “Oh, man, yesterday was Canada Day? Knew I was celebratin’ something!” –Pascy 10:35 PM Jul 2nd
  • RT @Syfy: WIN A CYLON TOASTER! To enter, just RT this note by 7/7 and include @Syfy (Toaster can be seen here: http://bit.ly/VbsZz) 6:43 PM Jul 2nd
  • On the bright side, last night was the first night since returning to NY that I didn’t have anxiety nightmares! I credit my little foo dog. 6:31 PM Jul 2nd
  • As I mentioned yesterday, my boxes of dishes arrived! Alas, there were casualties: 4 bowls, 2 glasses, and 1 huge platter. All adorable. 6:31 PM Jul 2nd
  • @DerekRuiz Happy Birthday, late person! 6:28 PM Jul 2nd
  • Requesting an invite for Tweetboard Alpha (http://tweetboard.com) by @140ware, for my site: http://theninemuses.net/log 5:00 PM Jul 2nd
  • @Owlswing38 The site that sold them closed a couple years ago, alas. 6:00 AM Jul 2nd
  • @Uilos I was thinking “read.” 2:06 AM Jul 2nd
  • Boss just came in and asked, “Do any of you guys watch Harry Potter?” Well, that’s *one* verb you can use… 1:50 AM Jul 2nd
  • Dear iTunes, Four @jennyowenyoungs songs in a row is not “random.” Kind of nice, though. Love, me 1:34 AM Jul 2nd
  • Oooh, New Yorkers! Who wants to see The Secret of Kells with me July 17th or 18th? http://www.gkids.tv/intheat… 12:46 AM Jul 2nd
  • RT @beyondabsurdity Only 1 1/2 weeks from the relaunch of FIGHT GIRL BATTLE WORLD & tix are going fast! Get yours now! http://bit.ly/gZrP7 12:22 AM Jul 2nd
  • @mkcho73 Yesterday’s potential roommate chose a cheaper, less awesome place. 12:01 AM Jul 2nd
  • @stephanieyee …And here I was, gleeful about getting Friday off. Meanie. :D 12:00 AM Jul 2nd
  • I’m celebrating Canada Day by wearing my “Dear Buddha, Please Bring Me A Pony” shirt, as the line was spoken by a Canadian, @nathanfillion. 11:43 PM Jul 1st
  • @Uilos Yay! Congrats to them! 11:38 PM Jul 1st
  • @alyankovic I am a leaf on the wind, watch how–*shkkk* #ThingsToSayWhileBeingImpaledThroughTheChestWithATenFootJavelin 11:33 PM Jul 1st
  • Glee! UPS says the dishes I sent from home arrived today! I may not have a roommate, but I don’t have to eat pad thai off a paper plate! 11:28 PM Jul 1st
  • Allowed outside for lunch again today! Went with Charles and Steph for fresh, authentic-ish tacos. Delish! 11:22 PM Jul 1st
  • *sigh* Oh, people. I’d be happy to help you with your questions if the answers weren’t already in the FAQ. What happened to initiative? 8:55 PM Jul 1st
  • @fredhicks Woo super-healthy! 6:48 PM Jul 1st
  • @tomlenk I’m in! 6:30 PM Jul 1st
  • Dear Subconscious, Enough with the stress dreams. Just give me a good night’s sleep! Love, me 4:05 PM Jul 1st
  • @sadbhyl *boggles* He’s HUGE! 6:56 AM Jul 1st
  • Yay! Potential Roommate is adorable! She’ll let me know how she decides in the morning. 5:15 AM Jul 1st
  • Called her. All is cool; she’s just running late. Not a problem, but… it’s 2009, people. Find a way to let me know you’ll be tardy. 4:59 AM Jul 1st
  • Potential Roomie now 23 minutes late. Sigh. 4:53 AM Jul 1st
  • As a Dresden fan, was disappointed when I realized what @whedonesque meant: “Wizard World brings vengeance Demon & a Gentleman to Chicago.” 4:53 AM Jul 1st
  • @gypsyjr It’s amazing how often those two coincide. 4:49 AM Jul 1st
  • @spodalicious YAY! I’m nowhere near hardcore enough for the full 20 mi, but I’d love to go 7 or 8 with you. And in proper shoes this time! 4:45 AM Jul 1st
  • Massive car wreck outside my apartment. Hope no one was hurt. Also, hope it does not deter Potential Roommate, who should arrive any time. 4:30 AM Jul 1st
  • @Esperacchius *hugs tightly* 2:58 AM Jul 1st
  • YE-HAW! Pascy is a freaking GENIUS! He started a Secret Rumor that we were getting Friday off, and it CAME TRUE! 2:08 AM Jul 1st
  • RT @PublicTheaterNY Shakespeare in Park: Twelfth Night NOW thru 7/10 and The Bacchae 8/11- 8/30. RT for a chance to win Tix to 12th Night! 1:48 AM Jul 1st
  • RT @Uilos Use the Force…and you can too! http://bit.ly/183qiq 10:15 PM Jun 30th
  • Glee! I get to go outside for lunch today! Gonna luxuriate in Bryant Park and visit the library. 8:12 PM Jun 30th
  • Doing spot for a new line of delicious candies. They gave us several packs as “reference.” Mmm, good reference. 7:51 PM Jun 30th
  • But does the princess have a BEARD?, @CBSisSlayer730? 7:24 PM Jun 30th
  • @JHOCHE You just blew my mind for the 3,004th time! 7:18 PM Jun 30th
  • Twittermind, where might I look for inexpensive yet uncrappy futons? I’m not opposed to buying used, as long as it isn’t infected w/ plague. 7:17 PM Jun 30th
  • Wow. Ikea Brooklyn has an absolutely amazing address: One Beard Street. Even eclipses my friends’ home at 1111 Princess Lane. 7:14 PM Jun 30th
  • Wow, yikes! The color in the Alera desktop is really, really saturated. The calibration on my laptop is whack. 6:47 PM Jun 30th
  • Dresden/Buffy team-up? Hee! Well, the next book may involve the Fellowship of St. Giles… :D @billharting 5:10 PM Jun 30th
  • Of the 3 exciting Jim-things to come: #2 is something visually intriguing, and the fans have been clamoring for #3 for YEARS. Vague enough? 4:51 PM Jun 30th
  • RT @neilhimself best optical illusion, possibly, ever: http://tinyurl.com/qi0060 3:59 PM Jun 30th
  • Download shiny “First Lord’s Fury” wallpaper at http://bit.ly/1joC9l — be the envy of your coworkers! Score chicks! 8:14 AM Jun 30th
  • @billharting Hmm. #2 is something visually intriguing. #3 is something the fans have been clamoring for for YEARS. Is that vague enough? 7:17 AM Jun 30th
  • @jbkuma HUZZAH! Browncoats are extraordinary! 6:25 AM Jun 30th
  • @Uilos Do it! Remember, it’s the author’s job to know ten times more about your universe than you ever share with your readers. 6:22 AM Jun 30th
  • (That’s awesome Jim-related thing #1 of 3, by the way. :D) 6:15 AM Jun 30th