• 09:10 Staying home today to protect coworkers from my deathplague germs. Grarg. #
  • 10:22 @viennateng That’s brilliant! I may have to talk to the owners of my favorite eateries and suggest they participate. #
  • 10:25 @rdonoghue @cunderkoffler Would now be an appropriate time to mention that Demeter is a Greek goddess and Vesta is Roman? #
  • 10:27 @rdonoghue It does? Huzzah! :D #
  • 10:30 @smuu Loving this storyline. :D SHG is suc! h fun! #
  • 10:32 @ShannonKButcher Suggestions for the boy’s room: www.toxel.com/tech/2009/07/06/12-unusual-and-creative-home-theaters/ #
  • 11:02 iTunes Genius feels that my purchase of the Dr. Horrible soundtrack means I might enjoy The Rocky Horror Glee Show. #universesofno #
  • 13:30 @AnneSowards The photos are a bit too small to make out the titles and authors. Any chance you can upload higher res images? #
  • 14:15 Is @longshotauthor’s book tour no! t coming your way? Get GHOST STORY signed/personalized through the Vir tual Signing! bit.ly/jym9Y7 #
  • 14:23 @seananmcguire OMG their faaaaaaaaaaces! They will always love you, no matter what darkness lurks in your past! #
  • 14:40 100+ Omaha-area pastors call for end to anti-LGBT religious discrimination bit.ly/ks4u1f #
  • 15:02 @byharryconnolly There is NO WRATH like a New Yorker forced to walk slower than 4.5 miles per hour. Our vengeance is swift and merciless. #
  • 15:14 @byharryconnolly ! Hmph. You do entertain me with your kickass books. I suppose you may live. #
  • 15:16 @byharryconnolly Oh–this morning, I got the monthly KGB email, but your name wasn’t on it. Will you be reading or just attending? #
  • 15:22 @byharryconnolly Ah, gotcha! I look forward to seeing you there in a purely attendorial fashion, then. :D #
  • 15:56 I feel my Indian food burning away my congestion. Best antidote to deathplague ever! #
  • 17:00 A judge rejected a motion to vacate a decision finding a ban unconstitutional, and my head exploded ! from quadruple-negatives. ow.ly/5hMaN #
  • 22:34 @WhiteCollarUSA Make every effort possible to locate the rightful owners, then donate the rest? It’s *blood art.* #

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