Political Linkspam!
Si se puede — a really beautiful video for Obama in Spanish
Viva Obama — a really hilarious Mariachi song for Obama in Spanish
And an excellent blog article: The Obama Doctrine
SNL Weekend Update: Huckabee’s Graceful Exit
SNL: Tina Fey On The Most Important Women’s News Issue. Awesome, but it would be more appreciated I didn’t of want to slap Hillary in the face right now. What are you DOING, Hillary? What happened to the woman we saw giving that wonderful final statement at the Texas debates? Remember how well that went over, and how all the pundits were asking why she didn’t show that side of her personality more often? Sure, it was almost word-for-word taken from Edwards’ concession speech, but I was willing to forgive. Who is this bitter, mocking creature you’re turning into? I understand you may be frustrated, but your snarky tirades are not presidential. Sheesh.
And finally, another Fry and Laurie video for people that don’t care about American politics (though it would actually make a delightful satire of the second Bush doctrine had it not been written in 1992): The Ass-Kickers Song.