Prompted by a haiku vs. limericks challenge on McAnally’s, I wrote some Dresden Files limericks. I amuse myself far too easily, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
There once was a wizard named Harry
Who fought against monsters quite scary
‘Til he cried out “I’m done!,”
Tossed his staff and his gun,
And picked up Little House on the Prairie.
The sexy reporter named Susan
Was the lady of our wizard’s choosin’.
But one vamping later,
Her strength is much greater:
More suited for bringin’ the bruisin’.
There once was a copper named Karrin
(One half of my favourite pairin’)
Though she can be quite kind
She will sure speak her mind
When asked “How is your love life farin’?”
There once was a spirit named Bob
Remembering things was his job.
Like how to make potions
From calamine lotions
Or flee from a ravening mob.