• 09:49 @antonstrout Shazam! t.co/4B4xGN8u #
  • 11:32 Inspector Spacetime: t.co/0ryEdzWD #
  • 12:12 Beautiful, mysterious paper sculptures appear in Edinburgh’s libraries: t.co/TiAVirb2 #
  • 15:50 Delia Sherman shares a call for submissions for books with POC, LGBTQ, and non-Western characters t.co/W8Owd9fG #
  • 17:28 @fredhicks @RobJDurand If you rebooted the Butcher Block a nd wanted me back, I’d carve out the time. :D But go with whatever format works! #
  • 17:38 @fredhicks Sweet! #
  • 18:16 @Sean_M_Maher Bravo for your courage and honesty! Congrats on your Coming Out Day! Does Hallmark make a card for that? :D #
  • 23:43 Not a single Captain Hammer reference, #Castle writers? For shame. :D #

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