From Twitter 02-25-2011

  • 00:24:46: RT @mishacollins: Gadgafi said Bin Ladin put pills in ordinary Libyans’ nescafe, which incited them to revolt. Anyone know where I can b …
  • 00:53:59: I have a fasting blood test at noon tomorrow. I expect I’ll be ready to gnaw my own arm off by then.
  • 01:36:41: Dear Priscilla, Less internet, more beta! Love, me
  • 09:19:23: @SheckyX Their earliest opening was 10am. Tough to leave work at that time.
  • 09:22:34: RT @NathanFillion: It’s beautiful to dream of more Firefly, but PLEASE DON’T SEND ANY MONEY. Just keep being great Browncoats, which you …
  • 09:24:00: @antonstrout @feliciaday @amber_benson I’m already bringing cupcakes from Sugar Sweet Sunshine, remember? Even better than Magnolia! :D
  • 09:24:33: RT @mental_floss: According to a Columbia University study, 83% of NY prostitutes have a Facebook page. (via @Wired + @TheWeek)
  • 09:28:30: @smuu Maybe execs think 1 1/2 hours is not enough time to develop the male character AND his friends AND blow enough stuff up (con’t)
  • 09:28:44: @smuu (cont’d) AND pass the Bechdel test? But a full season… I guess we can acknowledge women are people!
  • 09:34:31: @gypsyjr WHITE COLLAR has snark and prettiness and awesome women and slashy subtext writ large in flashing neon letters that are on fire.
  • 09:36:07: RT @Pres_Bartlet: At a GOP town hall meeting in Georgia, a man asked a Congressman “when is someone going to shoot Obama?” The crowd lau …
  • 09:38:27: RT @Pres_Bartlet: @SaintRPh He doesn’t condemn the remarks. He doesn’t suggest that it’s not a laughing matter. He doesn’t even say “we …
  • 09:38:32: RT @Pres_Bartlet: @SaintRPh “…where violence does not need to enter the political arena and we solve our problems without weapons or r …
  • 09:40:41: @smuu You lie! Is it about shoes and finding personal validation through the perfect boyfriend and fretting over the size of one’s boobs?
  • 10:37:08: @gillyperkygoth Abridged audiobooks are an affront to god and man. Which book?
  • 10:38:44: I just read the word “oenology” as “onanology.” Didn’t realize Groupon offered specials on onanism.
  • 10:44:27: @gillyperkygoth Checked Audible. The unabridged version should be just over 5 hours. How does yours compare?
  • 10:53:53: The roof of my coworker’s mouth is bleeding because of the sharp edges of Captain Crunch. He does not find this as horrifying as I do.
  • 11:12:04: RT @xenijardin: The women behind this project are hecka cool. -> RT @BoingBoing: StyleKouncil: new “closet curation” consultancy in S …
  • 12:07:09: These are GLORIOUS: Actors in Character! Laurence Fishburne as an 11-year-old gamer is PERFECTION.
  • 12:10:24: Oh, woah, that site blatantly stole “Actors in Character” from Vanity Fair. Instead, visit:
  • 13:15:24: Huzzah! I survived fasting exsanguination without fainting!
  • 13:35:56: @Esperacchius I have homework. Sorry.
  • 14:41:40: RT @smuu: Superhero Girl is updated! The Kevin Saga begins: Please RT if you like it. :)
  • 14:59:14: RT @dinosaurcomics: It’s kinda the greatest unsolved problem in computer science!
  • 15:10:24: RT @Lifehacker: Google takes dead aim at content farms and “low-quality” sites, changes 12% of results:
  • 15:13:55: Heeeeeey, Amazon. I know you want to send me my copy of WISE MAN’S FEAR nowish so it arrives on release day. Yeah, that’s right, you do.
  • 16:37:50: RT @factlets: Specialisterne hires autistic workers as software testers for their heightened ability to concentrate on details. http://f …
  • 18:10:13: Coworkers and I were talking about family members who died in freak accidents, and our window suddenly blew open. Yeah, that’s unsettling.
  • 18:21:17: I have something really exciting brewing for @longshotauthor fans! I should be able to announce something later today. #shamelesstease
  • 18:31:09: @camsmith25 Funny you should ask…
  • 19:12:15: Your Daily Skeeve: HarperCollins Puts 26-Loan Cap on Library Ebook Circulations
  • 19:55:38: Puppy O’Clock at work! Georgie’s hair is particularly moldable today.
  • 22:07:52: @gypsyjr …I want to watch that episode again with that in mind. #theThomasRaithAndMalcolmDresdenShow
  • 22:31:22: RT @mental_floss: Wil Wheaton (@wilw) has been immortalized—as a unit of measurement. 1 Wheaton = 500,000 followers on Twitter.
  • 22:32:32: .@mental_floss’s tweet about “the Wheaton” unit of measurement is up there with Rothfuss’ Gaiman-Day unit of coolness
  • 22:34:41: @byharryconnolly Does RULE 34 follow Rule 34?
  • 22:38:17: RT @neilhimself: Seriously fascinating set of statistics from WIRED on the New York sex business.
  • 22:53:07: Amused to see that my neighborhood is an oasis of a low-density of prostitution. I’m sure my parents are thrilled!
  • 23:02:05: Hey, lip, you can stop bleeding any time now.
  • 23:16:26: @mkcho73 Yes, they float! Like witches, wood, very small rocks, and a duck.
  • 23:21:57: @Esperacchius After seeing him play Lucifer in THE PROPHECY? Heck yeah!
  • 23:53:31: This riotously funny @WhiteCollarUSA review was machine-translated to Japanese and back to English.

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