From Twitter 02-18-2011

  • 00:37:14: I dig all the Lensbaby shots in #FairlyLegal. I need to do some more photography soon.
  • 01:01:47: RT @OldSpice: Ladies, can I take you to the freshest of distant cultures? Find out in my new commercial, I call Komodo.
  • 01:03:20: RT @EqualityAmerica: Facebook adds 2 new relationship status options for U.S. residents: “In a Domestic Partnership” and “In a Civil Uni …
  • 01:07:49: RT @sadbhyl: RT @nwhepcat: RT @robkroese: De-funding NPR to balance the budget is like shaving to lose weight.// THIS.
  • 01:13:16: RT @laughingsquid: Apple To Build Biggest Store Yet In Grand Central Terminal via @cultofmac // OPULENCE, I HAS IT.
  • 01:15:04: RT @nataliemorales: RT @c2e2 Middleman reunion w/ Brit Morgan, Natalie Morales & Matt Keeslar will be on Sat. March 19 5:30 in Rm 470a h …
  • 01:16:47: RT @WriteRCastle: My good friend, the amazingly handsome @NathanFillion will appear on Letterman tonight. We’re all going out together a …
  • 01:28:22: @holajupiter @fourteenacross Man. I have a million fairy tale revision books I could rec, but none satisfy those two points. XD
  • 01:31:05: “If one of us dies, we’re gonna stage it to look like a suicide caused by the unjust cancellation of Firefly.” #community #ilovethisshow
  • 01:33:26: @rekjackson @WILW IS IN AN EPISODE OF I-MAN? MUST REWATCH *NOW.* #capslockpowersactivate
  • 01:38:25: @ShannonKButcher Knowing the two of you, I’d worry if you STOPPED cackling. He probably thought you were torturing characters.
  • 01:39:46: @MickeydotFinn Wave in the general direction of my family!
  • 01:42:03: RT @RitaJKing: 125,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide after using genetically modified crops: via @lksriv
  • 01:45:13: Okay, it’s bedtime. #cantsleepmustreadmorenameofthewind
  • 09:06:25: @jimmyaquino @KevinConn Yeah, mea culpa. Some folks on my flist quoted it, and I didn’t think twice. Thanks for the reminder it’s uncool.
  • 09:11:02: RT @Pres_Bartlet: Indiana is debating an amendment to ban gay marriage. Indiana also once had an amendment banning blacks from living in …
  • 09:26:31: RT @dmataconis: Karl Rove: GOP Must Denounce Birthers, Not Coddle Them
  • 09:30:30: .@neilgaiman reposted the “George R. R. Martin is not your Bitch” blog post. Much appreciated. Truer words!
  • 09:32:17: @blazeorama I would watch the HECK out of that Jeopardy! Heck, that’s a show idea that has legs.
  • 12:02:58: Maybe I’ve listened to the Fool Moon audiobook too many times, but when I was looking at the new batch of art, I could hear Harry’s lines..
  • 12:03:07: …(or the general gist, at least) in my head when looking at each panel. Chase is knocking out some really solid work.
  • 17:43:03: On this menu, they left out the “r” in “your”. Make You Own Pasta!
  • 17:44:24: Hey! Turns out we have Monday off! Hmm, what shall I do with my three-day weekend? You busy, @ksmccarthy24? *bats eyelashes*
  • 18:20:08: @Esperacchius @sherlockbones Remember, the run is in late October! You’ll probably need something a little warmer.
  • 20:18:48: Bought my bus tickets for D.C. IT’S ON! #spontaneousweekendofawesomeness
  • 21:44:12: RT @NathanFillion: “@stopredlight: @wilw @NathanFillion how about a small campaign? #wilwforcastle” Engage.
  • 21:45:35: RT @Spinsterellla: RT @reetamac: wait…. hollup. we *fund* NASCAR? and we *defunded* Planned Parenthood? that’s enough America, I want …
  • 21:47:42: OUTRAGE: House votes to bar Planned Parenthood from federal funding. Speak out. #StandWithPP
  • 22:09:23: Woohoo, my map shipping supplies finally arrived! It was supposed to take two weeks–instead, it took 3 1/2.
  • 22:41:36: @Esperacchius Nope! No mapping parties until June or July.
  • 22:42:30: RT @NathanFillion: Looks like there are Browncoats at California Lottery. Stay shiny.
  • 23:20:27: @ljredeye I wouldn’t contribute to them if I didn’t think they were fun!
  • 23:58:20: RT @beatonna: I made this comic about Doctor Who because I’ve never seen it #imagination

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