From Twitter 06-20-2010

  • 10:42:40: HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to the most generous, considerate, inspirational, loving father any little girl could ask for. I love you, Daddy.
  • 10:51:00: And Happy Father’s Day to all the dads: @fredhicks, @longshotauthor, @beyondabsurdity, @Jamie1km, @boymonster, @rdonoghue, and @epicflail!
  • 12:12:51: “A successful murder is like a successful restaurant: Ninety percent of it is about location, location, location.” — John Marcone
  • 12:12:55: In one month, Jim Butcher takes us inside the head of Gentleman Johnnie Marcone. It’s cold in there. Better bring a coat.
  • 12:13:00: Preorder “Dark and Stormy Knights,” containing the Marcone-POV short story “Even Hand,” at
  • 12:57:27: @SheckyX Happy Cat-Daddy Day! Times five!
  • 14:27:48: National Anthems! The one time in the game we don’t hear vuvuzelas!
  • 14:29:13: I shall be supporting BRAZIL. Bring it, boys! #worldcup
  • 15:07:16: I like the term “Ivorians.” Much better than “Ivory Coasters,” which sounds like something you’d inherit from a senile great-aunt.
  • 15:30:53: Bwaha! Bud Lite “Distract the Goalie” spot is GREAT!
  • 15:52:20: RT @Jamie1km: Gamer Browncoats! Here are the Jayne hat dice bags you can get from @ChestieLaRoux. You know you want one! http://twitpic.
  • 16:21:06: @Dark_Puck I assume (s)he’s a troll.
  • 16:27:34: @Dark_Puck Preach it, anon!
  • 16:34:37: RT @cleolinda: Pratchett and Transworld launch writing competition:
  • 16:56:22: BAHAHAA. Snoop Dogg’s musical tribute to True Blood:
  • 18:13:24: Hey, New Yorkers/@pulseJFK! Can you recommend an inexpensive restaurant good for HUGE groups within walking distance of the Javitz Center?
  • 19:22:28: Hey, Apple, you know what I didn’t need on a night I was going to finish an essay for a book? For my computer to refuse to turn on.
  • 19:25:02: Made appointment on roomie’s computer, as Apple Retail site impossible to naviagte on iPhone. Undying Apple love just choked on a pretzel.
  • 19:27:06: Breathe, Priscilla, and think of Chris Colfer as the Crowbegotten Batman.
  • 20:38:01: Nice Apple lady fixy big shiny electron box, make worky-worky. Suspect I may need to take it in for serious service soon.
  • 20:39:12: 3-year warranty expires in 40 days. Time for a new laptop?
  • 20:47:10: I don’t think slogans for legal firms should rhyme.
  • 21:10:38: FRAK. As soon as I get it home, it won’t turn on again.
  • 21:11:07: I even tried the little trick she taught me. Craaaaaaaap.
  • 21:49:19: THIS JUST IN: @SUE_SUE4 IS MY HERO FOREVER! She’s lending me her laptop until I can get mine fixed!
  • 21:50:40: I managed to get it on again, but it took me an hour. There’s no guarantee I’ll be able to get it on again in the morning.
  • 22:04:36: @Thumbelina137 *sporfle* Well played.
  • 22:47:56: @sue_sue4 That’s what the employee did. It didn’t want to wake up.
  • 23:42:08: I just realized all my towels are at the laundromat. And I need to wash my hair tomorrow morning. ARGH THIS DAY IS FIRED.
  • 23:49:40: How about Offler, Discworld’s crocodile god, to save the Bayou? @pattonoswalt #OtherPretendGodsForSarahPalinToPrayToFixTheGulf
  • 23:50:52: @Jamie1km HA! Reminds me of the URL for “Pen Island.”
  • 23:56:32: RT @gwpfarker: Make googly eyes @longshotauthor about steampunk Alera.//My eyes google for Furypunk but more so for his next secret project!

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