- 08:22:36: @SheckyX http://www.google.com/alerts Quite handy for site news monkeys like me. Always handy to know what folks are saying!
- 09:34:09: @ShannonKButcher Squee! Enjoy it! I’m seriously considering getting one myself.
- 09:34:47: @fredhicks @sheckyx @longshotauthor ANOTHER Timelord? Man, am I going to gave to make another of these? :D http://bit.ly/cik9Bz
- 10:05:15: RT @EverythingNYC Explosion Fears as Huge Window Falls Out of #Midtown Building http://bit.ly/9ZuFXt // Yeep!
- 12:06:31: RT @dresdenfiles: New blog post: The Books Ship Out June 30th http://www.dresdenfilesrpg.com/2010/06/07/the-books-ship-out-june-30th/
- 12:18:00: RT @laughingsquid: – @zappos tells the story of why he sold Zappos to @amazon due to financial pressure from VC @Sequoia_Capital http:// …
- 13:38:16: This evening is the @WhiteCollarUSA event at the Paley! Bomer, DeKay… *inscribes “DO NOT SWOON” on hand in Sharpie* http://bit.ly/bKdEJA
- 13:41:20: via @thinkgeek, @donttrythis sing “I Will Survive” as Gollum: http://j.mp/9s6bBm – Reminds me of Serkis singing Grease: http://bit.ly/XrxnX
- 15:06:29: @fourteenacross He heard about your plans! That’s why he isn’t coming. You ruined Christmas!
- 15:06:47: Woooo, next iPhone comes out June 24th! And it will be miiiiiiine.
- 16:33:58: New iPhone hits stores June 24th! It will be miiiiiiiine, precious.
- 16:35:13: Giant, three-story eyeball to invade Chicago! Is this your doing, @longshotauthor? http://bit.ly/dexVNw
- 16:39:00: @longshotauthor Harry/Murphy shippers? Lies! They are but a myth to frighten small children. *hides fanfic*
- 18:17:48: Thanks to Tim DeKay of @WhiteCollarUSA for participating in #ProjectTeddybear! @LisaWalksCom
- 21:40:56: Thanks to Marsha Thomason (Diana) and producer Jeff King of @WhiteCollarUSA for participating in #ProjectTeddybear! @lisawalkscom
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