- 00:59:53: Alera has no pants! Alera needs no pants!
- 01:35:33: Do YOU remember Sargasso Planet? http://www.sargassoplanetfan.com #JavierGrilloMarxuachIsMyMasterNow
- 01:59:50: Okay, time for sleep! Gotta be well rested for my return to the Not-Mapping portion of my life.
- 14:11:19: @OKBJGM Fret not! Despite your slovenly demeanor, bestial lack of decorum, and mental inacuity, you command a sort of boorish charm. *sniff*
- 15:31:11: RT @AnnLarimer & @thebratqueen: RETWEET PLEASE: Stamford Marriott blames victim for her own rape http://tinyurl.com/q5pfe8 #marriottfail
- 15:33:01: @Uilos *weeps and weeps and weeps*
- 15:33:41: @Dark_Puck Copy the text of the person’s tweet and type “RT [the person’s username]” at the beginning.
- 15:39:40: @travelingheidi Ooh, I’ll have to stop by after work and check out their selection! I lost my favourite sunglasses at Comic Con.
- 16:42:15: Coworkers & I trying not to kill ourselves learning how to ride a snake board in the Mocap room. Does our insurance cover injuries at work?
- 17:01:24: @ShipLizard I’m so sorry.
- 17:38:09: @beyondabsurdity Yikes! Hope it’s nothing so dire!
- 17:39:39: @kanthara It’s a two-wheeled skateboard with a joint in the middle.
- 17:40:00: @kanthara Not sure how a bunch of college-educated young adults can’t manage what every kid in Brooklyn can do as naturally as breathing!
- 17:55:45: @NathanFillion Wordy McWord, sir. “The Incredibles,” FTW!
- 17:59:32: RT @AceRocBooks Any questions for Charlaine Harris? Let us know by 10am EST, tomrw. We’ll include some questions in an interview with her!
- 18:03:41: @AnneSowards Me too. We could look up the pronunciation in a dictionary, but that would be cheating.
- 18:47:57: Linda just ordered us a bunch of moschi. I happened to be in the kitchen at the time, so I snagged a green tea one. Good close to the day!
- 18:48:27: @fredhicks Tuppence a bag!
- 19:51:35: @fourteenacross Come on. Robo-chick versus pterodactyl? This is quality television, my friend!
- 20:20:46: Oy vey. Wrench thrown in my hybrid digital/pen and ink plan for map. Scanner is crashing my computer. Guess I’ll be illustrating in PS.
- 20:22:13: @fourteenacross Every episode of Torchwood season 1 is pretty much the worst episode of TV ever. :D
- 21:12:45: Mountains are fun to draw! Thank you, Aquitaine, for making my life easier. Too bad the same can’t be said for Our Heroes. :D
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