From Twitter 08-12-2009

  • 09:53:48: Slept in until 9. DECADENCE!
  • 09:56:43: @Uilos Ooh, I saw it last night at B&N, while trolling Fantasy section for last-minute ideas! It’s awesome! Don’t need to borrow it, though.
  • 13:33:19: Yay, Jim approved my new notion of how Attica, the Gaul, the floodplain, and Parcia interact. That’d been bugging me for ages.
  • 13:34:15: He also confirmed that Demos is played by a middle-aged Harrison Ford.
  • 13:40:43: @ShannonKButcher *laughs* Shecky is a brother, even wearing the Molly Carpenter wig. Then he’s a *pretty* brother!
  • 16:50:06: Huh. Mount Kalus is looking like the Folgers logo. The best part of waking up is molten lava in your cup!
  • 22:07:09: Listening to “Furies of Calderon” audio book while working on map. Oh, Aquitaines, you so crazy!
  • 22:09:49: D’oh! Why do I keep thinking “Leverage” is on at 10? Missed it the second week in a row!
  • 22:46:39: @AnnLarimer D: D: D: People who make fury/furry typos in this fandom make baby Jesus cry.

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