Twitter Driveby

  • 01:32 Coraline = freaking awesome. High-tail it to a 3D theatre this week, before the Jonas Brothers steal all the screens! #
  • 01:36 *seethes* People are wrong on the internet. #
  • 10:49 Do I need to get a hotel room at I-Con, or could I easily commute from NYC? I’m thinking the former, but I just want to be sure. #
  • 12:15 I’m blogging again, baby! FINALLY! Thoughts on Dollhouse at and NYCC recap at #
  • 12:16 @sinspired The phrasing was a reference to this xkcd comic: There’s an xkcd for every situation! #
  • 12:55 Seriously? The dryers are broken AGAIN? This is getting ridiculous. #
  • 13:37 @Uilos Yeah, I’m fine. Someone was just being stupid. The stupidity has been addressed and corrected. #
  • 17:59 @sinspired Because new situations are constantly being created! #

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