Twitter Driveby

  • 08:35 NOOOOO. CHRISTMAS IS CANCELED. VP debate between Biden and Palin de-toothed! #
  • 08:47 Retweeted from @fourteenacross, OMG OMG OMG! Aaron Sorkin pens meeting between Obama and Bartlet! Read it! #
  • 09:16 "Barracuda" songstresses ratchet McCain’s Cease and Desist up a notch: #
  • 10:42 Wow, I thought this McCain ad was a parody. Esp funny, as econ crisis the result of NOT ENOUGH govt regulation! #
  • 10:42 "Fringe"-style text is icing on hilarity-cake. #
  • 11:11 Off to Pushing Daisies marathon! Email/tweet/text me for details if you want to join in. All are welcome! #

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