So! Catching up.

I’m almost done with living out of suitcases! My last piece of furniture, a chest of drawers, will arrive this Sunday. This past weekend, I gained a desk, a headboard, a bookshelf, and a massive TV and a lovely dinner table for the common room. WIN!

While I wasn’t waiting for stuff to get delivered this weekend, I was tromping up and down the city looking for clothes and ideas for a new costume. A new costume! I have a goal! Time has meaning! For PhauxCon‘s McAnally’s Costume Shindig, I’m going as Maeve, the Winter Lady from The Dresden Files. Ever since I first read her description in Summer Night, I’ve longed to make her costume, and now I’m going to!

The chief draw is the wig I’m going to make: “Her hair had been bound into long dreadlocks, each of them dyed a different shade, ranging from a deep lavender to pale blues and greens to pure white, so that it almost seemed that her hair had been formed from glacial ice.”


I just got the base wig last night–waist-length and white with long bangs–and it’s so pretty that I almost feel bad that I’m going to dred the heck out of it. Ah well! It’s going to be aaaaaawesome when it’s done! I bought three skeins of gorgeous Colinette wool yarn, dyed just the way I picture Maeve’s hair to be: one, two, and three.

Her general attire is a bit skankier than I want to play her, so it’ll be a challenge to design a new outfit for her. I found a gorgeous, subtly shiny, ice-blue pashmina wrap that I’m going to pin strategically to a bra and wear like a draped, toga-ish top. Not sure how to better explain it, but it looks fantastic.

As for the bottom… no clue. Massive combat boots or tall Doc Marten-y type boots are a must, because that’s just the kind of person Sidhe she is. I like the idea of a blue camo miniskirt with white fishnets or sexy, similarly patterned cargo pants, but I’ve been so far unable to find anything that fits this mental image. I have a few leads to pursue this weekend, though, so I might not have to give up on this concept. The big challenge is finding something that works with the elegance of the top, but also expresses her rebellious, punkish, sexy attitude.

Then there will be white/silver mascara and crazy eye makeup and maybe some sort of body painting involved, depending on how much time I’m going to have to get ready.

Speaking of PhauxCon, today is the last day of Early Bird Registration! After midnight tonight, the price will go up from $50 to $60. Then after October 4th, any remaining tickets will be sold at the door for $70. Registration is also open for Friday’s dinner with Jim and Shannon Butcher and Sunday’s writers’ brunch. Details in the LJ!

I leave you with a fantastic BSG crackvid to Flight of the Conchords’ The Humans Are Dead. YES.