I had intended to see Aaron and a bunch of Lady in the Dark friends in their production of Love’s Labor’s Lost on College Green tonight, but disaster struck on multiple counts for the cast: ominous stormclouds loomed over the horizon, and a sudden upsurge of heavy winds knocked over a set pieces, sending an actor to the hospital. They tried to muscle together a change of venue, but too much was conspiring against them, so they moved the show to tomorrow night.

Instead, I badgered Ko and Deep into watching the first episode of Wonderfalls, and they were instantly hooked. I don’t know of a single person that has seen an episode of Wonderfalls that doesn’t emerge convinced that it is the single best TV show in the universe (except maybe Firefly, but I don’t dare compare the two. Mmm, Tim Minear. *happy sigh*). We ended up watching five episodes! We watched the first three, then Dee came in and joined us, and I felt that “Crime Dog” was a better introductory episode than “Wound-Up Penguin”, so we watched that, and then Ko and Deep insisted that we watch the episode with Jaye and Eric kiss, which is probably my absolute favourite, so we did. And that sentence was WAY too long, but I care not!

If you haven’t seen Wonderfalls yet, do so now. It’s not a huge commitment! There are 13 episodes! Gravy, I love this show…

RRRGH. This is the third time maintenance has come by our room to make the necessary repairs, only to realize they’d gotten the wrong message and our situation is nowhere near as dire as others’. We just have a massive, gaping hope in the ceiling above the toilet, a wall that looks like it’s been hit with a battering ram, a door split down the side, and a carpet that looks like it’s been mauled! Of course, none of these are emergency fixes, and we could be perfectly happy living with them, but the false hope is terribly annoying.

“Yay, you’re here to fix stuff!” we cry.
“Indeed! Where’s the leak?”
“Um… there is no leak.”
“Oh. Guess you’ll have to keep waiting, then!”

This image makes it all better.

The new Goblet of Fire trailer is out, and it’s AWESOME. The CG alone makes my heart go pitter-pat. I’m quite curious, however, what happened to the Beauxbatons boys and the Durmstrang girls, and I’m slightly irked that their Mad-Eye Moody and Madame Maxime are so off base of my mental image (wasn’t she supposed to have olive skin?), but overall, my reaction is a massive SQUEE.

Of course, amidst all this stuff I can’t wait to see brought to life, there’s also a lot of stuff I just don’t want to see. Ko and I were discussing the darkness in the later books, and how our mental images are scary enough. I don’t want to see Pettigrew chop his own arm off. I don’t want to see Harry’s detention with Umbridge. I don’t want to see the cave scene in HBP, or Sirius’ death. I also don’t want to see a lot of silly Harry/Ginny fluff, but that’s for entirely different reasons. Ko and I are worried that even though this movie is PG-13, parents will take their kids anyway, and they’ll have nightmares as a result. I don’t know how you can do justice to the books without causing a few nightmares. Feh.

Terry Pratchett! EEEEE! Our stop was fairly early on his signing tour, so he seemed a lot more genial and energized in comparison with last year. He arrived 30 minutes early and started the signing process before he spoke, so that we could all get out at a sane hour. Ko and I were some of the first up! I got Thud!, Where’s My Cow?, and my Discworld Family Values poster signed, we took pictures in which I look like I’m controlling an elaborately detailed Terry Pratchett hand-puppet, and I asked him two questions: No, the naming of Nobby’s girlfriend was not a reference to his Jingo pseudonym, and alas, we’re not likely to get much of a change in the Carrot/Angua dynamic in the near future. I guess I’ll just have to rely on fanfiction to get my fix. *sigh* Why is there PRACTICALLY NO CARROT/ANGUA FANFICTION? Come on, fandom! There are enough Vimes/Vetinari fics out there. Can someone represent for the canon ships?

*coughs politely* Anyway!

The crowd was a fair size — Borders proved to be momentously stupid and only set up seating for 40 or so. Ko and I arrived an hour early, and we had to sit on the floor.

He started speaking promtly at 7. Highlights included: 1) Comparing sci-fi fans with British footballers. He envisioned hordes of fen prowling the streets of London, shouting rallying cries of “DR WHOOOOO!” (“There are football fans who make the most rabid trekkie look like an Amish minister.”) 2)His famous near-sandwich experience. No summary can do justice to the telling. 3) “It’s nice to go on tour in the States, because in Britain, I have almost as much money as God. Who has almost as much money as JK Rowling.”

And I got several compliments on my Serenity shirt, so all is good.


David Lynch – Sept. 28, 7PM Harrison Auditorium
Mr. Lynch will be a featured speaker at a free lecture at Penn on Sept 28th. He will be joined by a group of scientists, including Penn’s own leading brain researcher, Dr. Andrew Newburg, and by John Hagelin, PhD, the quantum physicist who was featured in last year’s hit documentary, “What the Bleep!?”. All will be presenting on the theme of Consciousness, Creativity, and the Brain.”

Tripped and nearly fell down long flight of concrete stairs. Was saved from certain death by exceptionally cute Chinese boy. Good day.

*kills Blogger dead* I had a seriously long entry, which Blogger just ate. Die, Blogger, die!

Anyway, lots happened yesterday! First off, I can’t wait until September 27th, because that’s the day the Serenity soundtrack comes out. The new website has a slightly extended clip of the track “Serenity”, one of the Soundtrack Samples released at Comic Con. Though what I’m really here to post about is my squeefulness at the TV spots, posted yesterday (Menu -&gt Video -&gt “Good Guys” and “Passenger”). Usually, I dislike TV spots, but I rather liked these. Three cheers!

Also, if this Session 416 prop is real, I’m officially terrified out of my mind. No spoilers, but those that haven’t seen the movie should check it out again after they have. *shudders*

Next up: Packages! Penn has a seriously weird system when it comes to UPS in the first month of each school year. Because they get so many boxes and they don’t want to overcrowd the mail room, rather than putting them through their usual processing system, they just toss them all in a massive trailer in a driveway half a block from the buildings. They don’t even notify us when something has arrived. It took me three passes before I figured out what I was looking for, but I triumphed in the end! And there before me was everything I’d been waiting for! My bedclothes, my coat, and my bag, purchased in New York last weekend, and my TV! My room is now spun of pure hotness. I’ll take pictures and post them this afternoon!

Also in the accomplishment category, I spend half an hour on hold with Epson and another half-hour with tech support, trying to figure out why my printer would only produce blank sheets of paper. They’re sending me a replacement this morning. *stabs Epson, but politely, because they gave me quite a hefty discount, even though my warranty expired a year ago*

In other news, I love my Poli Sci recitation, I sold a print of Dream, Thud comes out today, and I meet Terry Pratchett again tomorrow! Huzzah!