So today marks the one-year anniversary of Not Fade Away, the series finale of Angel. It’s also the one-year anniversary of me being a Buffy fan, as Cyth showed me the first two episodes the night NFA aired. In honor of this day, I’ve been rewatching Angel season 5, and DEAR GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW. I’d like to know what on earth was going through those execs’ heads, if anything at all. But I’m in an excellent mood right now and not feeling particularly bitter.

Here’s to Joss for 12 fantastic seasons of TV! As you can see from the state of the fandom, Buffy and Angel are most definitely not fading away.

You know what bothers me? Seeing a “SPOILER WARNING!” on someone’s episode review and not knowing if it’s spoilers for that night’s episode or spoilers for future episodes. So to make things abundantly clear:


Okay, first off, how did I magically intuit that Sawyer’s name was James? I don’t read fanfic, so it’s not some fanon speculation deal… Trippy. Maybe it’s a “steamrolled Harry Potter” thing.

Jack, silly boy, Rule 735,862 of Television states that you cannot make references to things that are referenced in Monty Python without suffering severe silliness casualties. Suggesting that Sawyer was a lumberjack back on Earth-That-Was will automatically trigger the entire audience to imagine him in women’s clothing, hanging around in bars. While we appreciate the shirtless Sawyer fanservice, I’m not sure if we’d feel the same about seeing him wearing high heels, suspenders, and a bra.

Anyway, was it just me, or was Daniel Dae Kim unusually attractive tonight? That last series of close ups that switched between him and Sun? GUH.

Did anyone recognize the Insensitive American “Memoirs of a Geisha” Woman? She looked oddly familiar.

Oh, and Locke was so checking Danielle out.

Things that are awesome: Hurley, Jin/Sun (EEEEE!!!), Artz’s “Herm-own-ninny” moment, Walt and Vincent *sob*, Charlie’s “message in a bottle” (And Charlie opening Hurley’s note just after he said not to read it? SO CHARLIE. *loves*)

Things that are not cool: Shannon, Shannon, and more Shannon. I don’t care if you’ve “changed” since then. I still find you intolerable.

Teaser: Charlie! Sayid! Turnip Head! Wah!

Oh! Last night, I finally got around to seeing The Hebrew Hammer, which Cyth lent me months ago. Dear gravy that was hilarious! I recommend it to anyone, Jew and gentile alike!

*updates Summer Guide*

Oh, and as for other stuff on my Summer Guide… Those I’ve talked to that have seen Veronica Mars either love it or hate it. Do any of you guys have opinions?

The book meme! Renata tagged me, so I figured I might as well do it.

1) Total number of books owned?
After performing a rough survey of the books in my room, I think the number is around 250-300.

2) The last book I bought?
Mirrormask Illustrated Film Script, Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean

3) The last book I read?
I’m currently reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke

4) Five books that mean a lot to me? (in no particular order)
The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster — after over a decade, still one of my favourite books
Ender’s Game, Orson Scott Card — my first significant example of a book I loved that I later couldn’t stomach because of the sociopolitical views of the author.
The Animorphs and Harry Potter series — for how the fandoms contributed to who I am today
Men at Arms, Terry Pratchett — still idly toying around with musical ideas, even though I’ve mostly given up
My little black book I carry around with me all the time — for obvious reasons

5) Tag 5 people and have them fill this out:
Umm… are there any of you out there that haven’t filled it out yet? I’ve long since lost track.

Casting info for X3: Frasier‘s Kelsey Grammer as Beast, Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut, and Lost‘s Maggie Grace as Kitty Pryde. I love how they’ve recast Kitty for each movie. And how Maggie is nowhere near the age or appearance of the girls that played Kitty in the previous two movies.

I just had a moment of “Oh yeah, DeviantArt exists.” I have over 500 message center items. There goes my afternoon!

Ooh! I check my flist once more before bed, and what do I find? Covers for the third Serenity comic! And they’re every bit as funny as I expected them to be, given the first six. River’s isn’t so humorous — it just has a very “I *hart* Adobe Illustrator kthxbye!!1”-type vibe. And I do find it funny how obviously it was referenced from what is probably the most widely-used promo shot of River. Wash’s I can’t wait to caption. (Oh, I hope it’s the next subject of Caption Tightpants on FFF.n!) It looks like poster art for “The Sound of Music: In Space!1 And the idea of Simon with a huge gun makes me snerk mightily. Look at that arm! Look at those muscles! He’s a doctor, yet it looks like his head has been pasted on the body of… I don’t know, Gaston? And he’s dressed like a Ren Faire reject. He looks like he should have a ponytail for some reason. Silly boy.

1 “The Sound of Music: In Space”. Maybe “The Sound of Music: 3000” would sound better, as there is no sound in space, and therefore no sound of music. Of course, the events of Firefly happen in [I don’t have the patience to look up the date], and you KNOW that in “The Sound of Music: In Space” they fight Space Nazis, so I’m going with that.

And now I’m going to bed. May visions of shirtless Sean Maher dance in my head!

For those that go for that sort of thing, clips from tomorrow’s Lost episode.

First third of the finale! Whoo! So are we going to have a mini-get together to watch it, seeing as how so many people I know IRL are fans? And how Cyth has a TV the size of my car?