Wah. Am cold, tired, and people are denying me hot chocolate. Had a splendid evening at the Christine Lavin concert until the train home was 20 minutes late and I had to sit out in the cold for an hour and it was dark and scary and I was alone and there was nowhere I could go and I had no gloves and only thin socks and my hands and feet are still numb and I am still sick and sniffly and had few kleenex and did I mention there’s NO HOT CHOCOLATE? Savages! How do you run out of hot chocolate when you know there are cold, PMSing women that ask for nothing more than a bit of chocolatey deliciousness to warm them up a treat and CARMEN HAS HOT CHOCOLATE SHE IS MY SAVIOR and a goddesslike beacon of glory and good things and I LOVE CARMEN and now my hot chocolate has cooled off to the point of drinkability so I can enjoy it’s life-giving radiance and warmth.

Happy now.


No Philadelphia, no Dallas. King of Prussia is listed, but there’s no way I’m hanging out there at 3 AM. God’s way of saying “Erm… didn’t you have EXAMS?”

Bad timing, Mr. Jackson. Bad timing.

Mmmmm. Ben & Jerry’s “Half Baked” — a mixture of Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Proof that God exists and She loves us.

In one hand, I have Terry Pratchett’s Monstrous Regiment. In the other, I have my calculus textbook.

Life is so hard.

*goggles* Wow. I totally didn’t notice that was a pun. A feeble pun, but a pun nevertheless. “There you are, my leibling, your favourite!” (from “If You Could See Her”, Cabaret). Doesn’t leibling literally translate to “favourite”? Gah, this is what I get for my practice of “Everything I need to know about German I learned from Alan Cumming.”

This is almost as weird as suddenly realizing the awful = offal pun in Save Ferris’ “Spam” on the way to Nimbus. My brain is wired funny. Or maybe I’ve gone too long without the presence of Dad and Uncle Lew.

Hmm. It seems today is World Vegetarian Day. Maybe I should have joined my hallmates in their “Vegetarian for a Week” experiment. I was going to try just for the novelty (thought I know I could never give up meat, even if influenced by massive amounts of cash and/or mind control), but decided against it due to midterms and poorly timed crimson tide. I told Jeremy (our resident vegetarian) that I’d do it a different week.

Until then, my motto remains “If we’re not supposed to eat them, then why are they made of meat?”

High on my list of Really Great Words is “otorhinolaryngology.”

Yeah. Great word. *nods*

Edit: I devote an entire post to a word and spell it wrong. I am the weakest link.