Someone should write an article about merchandising in LOTR and call it “One ring to rule the mall”. I’d laugh.

That’s always fun…

You are Evil Hello Kitty

“Veil of virtue hung to hide your method”… you pretend good but you’re really as evil as they come. Cute and adorable, with a fetish for blood. You’ve been known to do such dastardly deeds as killing and eating your best friends for no particular reason. Could qualify as a Deathkitten.

No way! According to, “Matrix: Reloaded” doesn’t come out until 2003! ::cries:: Aaarg, annoyance.

Reading the guestbook on my HP site for the first time in about a month provides a much-needed ego boost. I’ll update WIAN as soon as I get the art section for tnm.n up. It’ll probably be up tomorrow (the art site, I mean), as I cleaned most of my room this evening and my mom has nothing left to gripe about. And there was much rejoicing!

I have become infamous for my puns. Percy help me.

Me: If you hit me, I’d be a black eyed “P”.

Melissa: Yeah, I could get one, and then I’d have one left over.

Me: (to myself) You could get Hannibal over here…

Melissa: What?

Me: Never mind, it was in bad taste.

Happy 2002, everybody! And what a raging party we had to bring it in. Nancy, Chungy, and Mackenzie came over, and we spent the evening watching movies, playing Uno, and eating Mackenzie’s famous dip. That stuff will make you fall down on your knees and thank Percy that you’re alive. Kinda like a Jack’s hamburger.

First, it was “A Fish Called Wanda”, which was mostly us raving about how nifty John Cleese is. Yay John Cleese! ::dances:: Next, we watched “The Fifth Element”, which Chungy and I kept referring to as “The Fifth Elephant”. We spent most of the movie arguing over whether the actor who played Zorg also played the Duke in Moulin Rouge. I was right — he wasn’t. We were all incredibly amused to see Mathieu Kassovitz (Nino in “Amelie”) cameo as the mugger near the beginning of the movie. I also spent a while griping about the Diva’s performance. While nifty, it wasn’t superhuman. Heck, the “Queen of the Night” aria is harder than that. Everyone told me to shut up. Afterwards, we played Uno for about an hour (I came in last — go me!). Next, we watched “Snatch”, realizing halfway through that we had missed the countdown for 2002. I was disappointed, as I hoped that I would get to check how accurate my watch was. I set it precisely to the New Year countdown in 2000, then 2001, and it was remarkably accurate. Bah humbug for 2002. We all ended up going to sleep around 4.

In the morning, we woke up around noon, then watched “Good Morning, Vietnam”. Go Robin Williams! Why do people dislike him so? Anyway, then it was time to go, and we all went our seperate ways. Chungy got her scarf, Nancy got my copy of “Guards! Guards!”, and Mackenzie accidentally forgot “Feet of Clay”. Oh well. A happy new year to all. May “Rent” lyrics forever be stuck in your head on this occasion.