From Twitter 11-10-2009

  • 00:04:15: Ha! The file number on my Project Teddybear photo of Eoin Colfer from his HHG2G book signing ends in “42.”
  • 00:25:20: – Eoin Colfer (Artemis Fowl, And Another Thing) participates in Project Teddybear!
  • 00:31:57: – John Hodgman reveals which teddy bears have hooks for hands. @LisaWalksCom
  • 00:33:55: – Maria Simmons, Harriet McDougal, and Brandon Sanderson for Project Teddybear! @LisaWalksCom
  • 01:04:21: RT @mightykatemusic: My gig @ bamcafe in brookln on nov 20th! I’m so excited! // I’m so there! I’m roping together a big group to see you.
  • 01:16:56: @featherjean I agree completely! And humor with heart will always win out over fart jokes. <3 @USA_Network
  • 08:52:06: The final sample chapter of @LongshotAuthor’s “First Lord’s Fury” is up at — Hits stores 11/24!
  • 09:08:09: @SheckyX Harry Dresden vs Phlegm Demon. I’d read it! Are you hearing this, @LongshotAuthor?
  • 14:33:13: Happy Birthday, @NeilHimself! May your birthday candles not be arranged in a pattern that would summon some dread God from his slumber.
  • 14:59:44: RT @Islandwoo: Taxi on side accident 36 & 3rd NYC (thx @PinkDeb) // Holy moley, how does that happen?
  • 15:00:43: @AnneSowards If I ever try to get published with you, should I change my last name to Bspencer?
  • 15:02:20: RT @laughingsquid: Google is offering free Wi-Fi service at 47 airports across the United States from now until Jan 15th
  • 15:15:04: @beachkid “Free” being the operative word. I’m struggling to remember the last airport I visited that had free WiFi.
  • 16:33:19: @KevinConn You = AWESOME!
  • 16:59:45: RT @smuu: This “Girl” comic strip is really cool: // Oh, wow, I had no idea Dana had a new project! Loved Ozy & Millie.
  • 17:32:58: HOLY COW YOU GUYS I JUST TOUCHED MY TOES! I haven’t done that since like fourth grade! Inflexibility, your days are numbered.
  • 17:53:44: @xiehicks Just my legs/hips. My arms and fingers and shoulders are crazy bendy. It doesn’t help that my legs are long relative to my torso.
  • 17:55:31: RT @WhiteCollarUSA: Get caught up on WHITE COLLAR this Friday! 9:30am: Pilot, 11am: Episode 2- “Threads”, 12pm: Episode 3- “Book of Hours”
  • 19:57:17: Eric: *moans* Ohhhh, I’m hungry! Paris: Oh, you should have had the fries I just ate.
  • 20:18:25: Just made The Map into desktop wallpaper. Gurgled a bit. May have to ask Jim if I can post it next Tuesday, instead of the following.
  • 21:03:25: Off to a rebounder class with @spodalicious! +1 fabulosity!

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From Twitter 11-09-2009

  • 00:18:29: RT @Dark_Puck, @cleolinda, @Salome, @danisse: Teabaggers attack Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel: // SO MUCH VILE.
  • 00:19:15: @Uilos I’m sure we can arrange something before the Brandon Sanderson thing tomorrow. :D
  • 00:19:39: @beyondabsurdity I would buy the heck out of any comic you wrote!
  • 00:27:41: Let’s welcome Katy Pfaffl to Twitter! @mightykatemusic
  • 00:47:46: My writing system works for me, but man is it disorganized.
  • 00:47:48: Currently plowing through stacks of scrawled-upon printouts of drafts, looking for untyped additions.
  • 02:55:41: @bomburjo Nope, I’m not near that level of writerly ambition yet. Just your run-of-the-mill ficathons and random bunnies.
  • 14:39:19: Posted videos from NY Songwriters Circle w/ @MightyKateMusic, @ChristerWulff, & @JohnSchmitt to YouTube:
  • 19:53:38: At B&N with @Uilos to see @BrandonSandrson! Hope I don’t get spoiled rotten.
  • 21:58:31: Thanks, @BrandonSandrson for participating in Project Teddybear! (@LisaWalksCom)
  • 22:00:39: It’s such a treat when writers you love prove to be just as awesome in person.
  • 22:19:22: Thanks also to Jordan’s editor and widow Harriet McDougal and to Maria Simmons for paticipating w/ @BrandonSandrson in Project Teddybear!
  • 22:55:24: RT @KevinConn “Tomorrow I will be posting the greatest link known to man! A link to buy my comic book “LAVA-ROID”!”
  • 23:02:03: RT @USA_Network: RT @TheLiveFeed ‘Battlestar’ actors join USA pilot // Man, USA knows how to make me squee!
  • 23:14:35: @RockyShields I do! I adore #WhiteCollar. And Matthew Bomer would make an excellent Thomas.
  • 23:29:48: @boymonster Viva the Long Tail!

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From Twitter 11-08-2009

  • 01:11:38: RT @AnnLarimer, @cleolinda, @Maudelynn, @stevengsaunders: Wal-Mart will have you arrested for being gay:
  • 01:15:08: I’d been watching Xena on Netflix to satisfy my sudden need to see girls kicking morons in the face. Now changing “girls” to “lesbians.”
  • 12:15:16: Awesome dream: Someone kicked a soccer ball onto the White House lawn, and Obama kicked it back, and we ended up playing soccer together.
  • 13:34:38: Ooh! @Discovery updates their already awesome “The World is Just Awesome” ad:
  • 14:20:26: RT @jonrog1: Okay, yeah, but what does the bill DO? a primer
  • 18:00:30: D’oh! Was toying with idea of attending @leverus’ (Lev Grossman) reading at The Knitting Factory, but I thought it was at 6, not 5. Whoops.
  • 18:02:08: @featherjean Makes me think of this:
  • 18:13:38: Man, Daylight Savings Time is vile. I hate sleeping through some of the precious little sunlight I get. How is this SAVING daylight?
  • 18:34:16: Guardian: Julie Andrews could sing again as scientists claim breakthough
  • 19:31:15: 15 days until MAP. I am practically vibrating with anticipation!
  • 20:35:24: @RockyShields There are 6k farmers/fishermen/foresters in NYS, compared to 20 mil people. Farmers can set their clocks themselves.
  • 21:29:03: What Future History Textbooks Will Write About Obama’s ‘09
  • 21:36:33: @RockyShields *shrugs* “Were I to invoke logic, however, logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”

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From Twitter 11-07-2009

  • 00:30:46: @nataliemorales If you still don’t have a TV for next week’s episode, my couch and 37″ TV in the East Village are at your disposal!
  • 00:37:16: @Uilos You write longhand, too? Man, I thought I was crazy!
  • 01:53:00: @spodalicious Joooooiiiiin ussssssss….
  • 09:33:37: @edeainfj You should go! You can sleep on my couch when you’re in the city!
  • 09:40:45: @jimmyaquino She’s so tiny, yet so strong! What a beautiful moment.
  • 13:21:53: Whee, my super turned on the heat this morning! It wasn’t uncomfortable before, but now it’s all lovely and toasty and hibernation-friendly.
  • 13:42:00: Called congresswoman’s office to express opposition to Stupak amendment, which would eliminate abortion coverage from health care reform.
  • 13:44:27: URGENT: Call your Rep NOW to reject Stupak amend to health care bill. Would eliminate abortion coverage. 202-730-9001. Please RT!
  • 15:35:04: @BrandonSandrson Glad to hear you liked the first Dresden book! I hope you’ll pick up the next few. They only get better as they go along.
  • 15:46:09: Rep. Sessions compares being a woman to being a smoker; should pay + than men for health care: // WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?
  • 15:56:34: @nataliemorales Our pleasure! Hope you found a place to watch it, as well. #whitecollar is a delight!
  • 16:09:44: Dear Neighbors, When your smoke detector goes off, open a window, not the door to the hallway, where there are more smoke detectors. <3, Me
  • 16:10:14: @Uilos There are multiple of me? Jinkies!
  • 16:59:45: Evaluating Netflix’s list of themes/storylines. Among “opposites attract,” “post-apocalypse” and “mistaken identity” is “monkey.”
  • 17:05:12: Included in “Monkey”: King Kong, Gorillas in the Mist, and Congo, none of which feature monkeys. The Librarian would not stand for this.
  • 17:07:25: @Dark_Puck *offers you a banana*
  • 19:01:03: Seeing “Men Who Stare At Goats” with @Uilos and assorted Jedi. Mmm, George Clooney.
  • 23:25:19: Where do people get the idea they can give you a hug after calling one of your best friends a murderer who can’t keep her legs together?
  • 23:28:48: @ShannonKButcher Found some cute bullet earrings on Etsy!
  • 23:41:57: @beatonna No other name could do justice to the gloriously absurd nature of your comic!
  • 23:49:39: RT: @BreakingNews: U.S. House of Representatives passes amendment to health care bill which denies federal funding for abortion. // DAMMIT

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From Twitter 11-06-2009

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From Twitter 11-05-2009

  • 00:21:57: Dear Self, I know you like being an egghead when labeling your skeleton, but “vertebral column” is unnecessary when “spine” will suffice.
  • 01:02:08: Congrats, Yankees supporters. Condolences, Phillies fans. As one who has lived in both cities, I hold no allegiance. :D
  • 01:21:05: Things that make working past midnight tolerable: Everyone in Asset Land singing along to Bohemian Rhapsody.
  • 11:32:21: Half a warm, fresh cinnamon raisin bagel with a dab of butter and apricot jelly. Perfect antidote to working until 1:30am.
  • 13:13:52: Ooh, Yuletide signups are up! I wonder what I should request…
  • 17:06:40: @ShannonKButcher Ooh, pictures?
  • 17:10:58: Whee, new Sherlock Holmes trailer!
  • 17:13:16: And a new trailer for The Waters of Mars! (h/t @denofgeek)
  • 18:54:29: @ShannonKButcher You look fabulous! Such a lovely color on you.
  • 19:46:30: @ksmccarthy24 The Jane Austen exhibition at the Morgan runs November 6, 2009, through March 14, 2010. Come visit me!
  • 20:05:42: SWEET! I don’t have to do overtime tonight! To the bat-gym!
  • 23:04:23: *cackles* Tim Gunn just referred to remaining five designers as “the final five.” THE DESIGNERS ARE CYLONS.
  • 23:38:28: @ksmccarthy24 YES YES YES VISIT ME IN DECEMBER! I will show you Jane Austen things! I go home on the 23rd.

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From Twitter 11-04-2009

  • 00:53:56: Watching last night’s “Castle.” The starlet was at The Bitter End? Ha! I was at The Bitter End last night for Katy Pfaffl’s gig!
  • 02:27:23: @longshotauthor Remember Crowley’s low-grade evil in Good Omens, tying up cell phones to anger folks, who would mistreat others? MICROSOFT.
  • 02:28:53: RT @BreakingNews: Maine voters have rejected a bill that would have legalized same-sex marriages in the state. // DIE IN A FIRE.
  • 14:31:55: Eric: Okay, I’m going to need everyone to be quiet. My Brain: “WITH CATLIKE TREAD!…”
  • 16:23:00: RT @bibliotech : Emma Thompson To Remove Name From Polanski Petition? // Do it!
  • 18:21:26: RT @MickeydotFinn: An oldie but a goodie: BRING ME THE HEAD OF CHARLIE BROWN! Cal Arts,the college of Bambi/Godzilla
  • 18:33:21: RT @denofgeek: Roger Rabbit 2 to use performance capture technology? // WHY GOD WHY?
  • 18:43:47: Addendum: No Roger Rabbit sequel could be as awesome as this hilarious sequel fic:
  • 19:58:31: The hour of @hodgman is nigh!
  • 22:08:28: Thanks, @hodgman, for participating in Project Teddybear! (@lisawalkscom) Have a great tour. May you recline with supermodels in 1st Class!

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From Twitter 11-03-2009

  • 00:03:29: Tonight, @Uilos and I saw Katy Pfaffl at Songwriters’ Circle. She was extraordinary, even recovering from deathflu! Who’s game for the 20th?
  • 00:05:14: @grabman How cool! Does your creativity and craftiness know no bounds?
  • 00:23:40: @mkcurry Isn’t it? *pets the shiny* Only three weeks until the mainstream public can share our glee!
  • 08:24:47: I think my radio just said, “…performing Mozart’s prawn symphony.”
  • 08:37:38: Bwee! David Tennant making American TV debut as title character in NBC’s hour-long pilot “Rex Is Not Your Lawyer.”
  • 08:43:45: RT @noncultured: A round pizza with radius ‘z’ and thickness ‘a’ has the volume pi*z*z*a. (esp. for @judithsthoughts). // IT’S ALL SO CLEAR.
  • 08:49:18: @longshotauthor Oh, man. Major sympathies. *offers a grenade launcher*
  • 09:08:25: Spam subject line: “For non-stop night attacks.” That just doesn’t sound appealing, no matter how it’s parsed.
  • 11:00:38: @fredhicks Oh my goodness, she is too cute for words! Pleased to see you’re starting her down the geek road early. :D
  • 11:36:14: RT @laughingsquid: “We Are Douchebags”, part of the emerging Douchebag Solidarity movement
  • 13:30:34: @mkcho73 Drinking fresh mango juice…
  • 13:47:45: @NeilMSchwartz Isn’t that a part of Axe’s manliness-to-the-point-of-absurdity campaign?
  • 13:49:27: @spodalicious Hurrah! So you can watch movies other than Spider-Man again?
  • 13:52:26: RT @ShannonKButcher: FINDING THE LOST is out today! *stretches, THEN does Snoopy dance* (I always follow rule #18) // WOOHOO, CONGRATS!
  • 13:55:38: Dear Hulu, Why are you taking so long to load last night’s episode of “Castle”? Dear, why are you freezing three seconds in?
  • 15:12:54: @TerriEdda @Castle_Beckett Come on, it’s a show about solving murders! “Caskett” is too perfect!
  • 15:14:04: RT @KevinConn: #unseensequels “The First Temptation of Christ” // Nah, that would be “The Penultimate Temptation of Christ.”
  • 15:34:41: “You can’t amaze people if you don’t try amazing things. And my life is all about amazing people. *pause* What was I about to do?” -@emshore
  • 16:56:33: @ksmccarthy24 Always.
  • 19:31:13: Kinglets on LJ introduced me to the new Best Word Ever: Backpfeifengesicht – quite literally “a face that requires a fist.” I love German.
  • 20:40:15: When I arrived at @spodalicious’ place, she was watching a Friends episode called “The One With The Dollhouse.” Crossover waiting to happen.

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From Twitter 11-02-2009

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From Twitter 11-01-2009

  • 00:01:00: To @TeknoKai, RockyShields, et alia: I’m Wendy Watson from the comic book version of “The Middleman,” which everyone needs to read/watch!
  • 00:14:34: @fourteenacross MARRY ME!
  • 00:27:42: @OKBJGM Hee, thanks for the RT! And yes, that is the Ghostbusters’ firehouse in the background. :D
  • 00:41:32: @OKBJGM Not cold at all, surprisingly! Today felt inexplicably comfy for fall in NY. I expect Vancouver in Nov. would be another story.
  • 01:01:24: Decided not to go back out. Feet thank me.
  • 01:04:20: @fredhicks Oh my lord, her COSTUME! *melts*
  • 01:07:32: Dear massive nunchuck bruise on my upper arm, Feel free to stop being greenish yellow any time now. Love, me
  • 01:11:12: @terioncalling Absolutely! Sunday is the last “official” day to post, but better late than never. :D
  • 01:13:46: @NeilMSchwartz The Ghostbusters firehouse is in Tribeca at 14 North Moore Street. It’s been on my New York To-Do list since I moved here!
  • 23:10:14: @CUnderkoffler He doesn’t have one.

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