Twitter Driveby

  • 18:47 @mkcho73 Eat a cupcake for me! #
  • 19:49 It’s Saag Panir o’clock! Where’s mah food? #
  • 19:49 @mkcho73 Yay! I retroactively thank you! #
  • 19:50 Man, Twitter has been totally dead today. What’s wrong with you people, enjoying the glorious sun instead of being tied to your computers? #
  • 19:51 (Did I mention I’ve been at work all day? Because I have.) #
  • 23:32 RT @Uilos: Paul Blackthorne exhibit in NYC: [Want to check it out sometime soon, Craig?] #
  • 23:33 @DiscoveryChPR Boom de yada, no question! #

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Today’s Happy List:

  1. Finishing The Lies of Locke Lamora late last night. Fantastic book! I can’t wait to get the sequel from the library on Monday. Until I get my hands on said sequel, I’m finally getting around to reading John Hodgman’s More Information Than You Require. Not sure if my brain is in the right place to enjoy it, thought. I might wait until Hodgman and Coulton put out the audio book, then listen to it at work. My reading time is at such a premium, I want something meatier to occupy my time.
  2. Seeing the stars and writers of Dollhouse and Castle congratulate each other and glee all over their Twitter pages.
  3. Listening to the Proven Guilty audio book at work (yes, I worked 11 hours on a Saturday. This surprises you?). James Marsters’ voice makes me think bad thoughts. :D
  4. Cleaning all the old junk out of the fridge! I’ve been meaning to do that for ages. Whew!
  5. Exploding Kat and GG’s brains with further adventures with Sparkle Fairy Glitter Princess Morgan.

And now, I’m going to sleep, as I’m exhausted!

Twitter Driveby

  • 12:40 Who was with me when I saw the subway zoetrope? I’m trying to remember where it was. Matt, coming back from the Gardens, perhaps? #
  • 17:00 RT @neilhimself Best ENDLESS family photographs I’ve seen in forever : #
  • 17:01 @beatonna I think you already missed the War of 1812. By like 200 years. #
  • 18:11 @Esperacchius 17? Zounds. The worst I’ve ever had to pull is 18 1/2. Hope you got to sleep late the next day! #
  • 22:34 Woohoo, my internet is back! And it only took an hour and a half of wrestling with tech support! #
  • 22:51 *JOYSPLOSION* Rumor has it that "Castle" and "Dollhouse" are being renewed! I LOVE THE WORLD AND ITS TELEVISION EXECUTIVES. #
  • 22:51 (Except the ones that canceled Pushing Daisies and Middleman. They can bite me.) #
  • 23:01 @KChenoweth NYC loves you back! #
  • 23:03 Okay, @MoTancharoen is congratulating @NathanFillion in her Twitter. I think it’s safe to say the Castle rumors are true! #
  • 23:06 @fredhicks Ooh, sweet! I thought the RPG cutoff was Small Favor. Nice to see some more recent stuff could be included. #
  • 23:58 @alyankovic See? Do not tempt fake Tina Fey and the gods of Twitter! They have *ways*… #
  • 23:59 @NeilMSchwartz Get ready for Psych and Burn Notice? #

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Today’s Happy Things:

  1. The knowledge that a week from today, I will be in gallivanting merrily around DC with Kat, El, and Sarah!
  2. A belly-full of Hawaiian Island Grill for lunch. Their ribs are gastrorgasmic! I should probably eat vegetarian all weekend to compensate. For dinner, I had quinoa with apricots and squash. Starting to feel human again.
  3. Making a single Kit Kat piece last three hours.
  4. The internet returning! In preparation for my roommate moving out, we switched over our joint utility and cable bills to my name alone, and today, we had a brief hiccup in the internet service. It took me an hour and a half of wrestling with tech support to get it restored. That said, it’s amazing how the task of blogging about happy things affects one’s mindset. Rather than having the tech support ordeal cloud my entire evening, I’m choosing to rejoice in the merriment of renewed service. Yay mind over matter!
  5. And in the 3 1/2 hours I was cut off from the internet, the internet has learned that Castle and Dollhouse were renewed! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Twitter Driveby

  • 10:00 Clients make my brain hurt. Looking back through xkcd archives to ease the pain. #
  • 10:41 @MickeydotFinn "V." It’s a potential series for ABC, based on a 1983 miniseries. ABC is becoming quite the network for Browncoats! #
  • 12:09 Am I the only one completely unaffected by the #Googlefail? Everything works for me. #

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Today’s Happy Things:

  1. Waking up to a new chapter of First Lord’s Fury on the beta list.
  2. Making fresh almond milk for my cereal and to go with my morning vitamins, sweetened with dates and a dash of vanilla.
  3. Getting hit with a really intriguing fic bunny.
  4. Out of the blue, suddenly remembering what Jim wrote in my copy of Turn Coat.
  5. Getting an equally spontaneous phone call from my mom, who was on her way to the movie theatre, wanting my opinion on whether to see Star Trek or Wolverine. I voted Star Trek.

Twitter Driveby

  • 10:33 Good lord, why is it SO COLD in the back room today? Climate control fail. #
  • 13:06 *boggles* Pat Rothfuss posted a picture of the first draft of book 2: #
  • 18:37 RT: Retweet this if you disagree with Twitter’s decision to hide replies to people you don’t follow #fixreplies #twitterfail #
  • 21:19 @KChenoweth Bryant Park was so gorgeous today! I had lunch there with coworkers, then took my shoes off and just basked in the sun. #

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A number of my friends are participating in the Happiness Meme, and I decided I should, too! It’s simple: Post about something that made you happy today, then rinse and repeat for eight days. I’m a very happy person, so I’m going to challenge myself to five original happy things per day.

  1. Lunch in Bryant Park. The boss let us go out for lunch today, so I snagged food from a street vendor and found a table on the grass with a few coworkers. As I ate, I took my shoes off and luxuriated in the feel of the grass between my toes, then afterward, I lay down on the grass and basked in the sun. Mmm, Vitamin D!
  2. Jim Butcher validated my one-sided, unrequited Hendricks/Gard crackship! Well, evidence was already there in canon for those that wanted to see it, but it’s nice to see it reinforced.
  3. Really fantastic Amazon customer reviews a coworker just sent me: Three Wolf Moon Shirt and Tuscan Whole Milk. I love the internet.
  4. The fact that my smoke detector has only gone off once since I cleaned my oven on Saturday. It used to happen nearly every time I cooked anything.
  5. The satisfaction in banning an obnoxious forum troll.

Runner up: Gorgeous Doctor Who fanart.

Twitter Driveby

  • 09:48 RT @mkcho73: awesome New York Magazine article on the secrets of New York harbor: #
  • 12:27 @redone17 DO NOT HONOR #
  • 13:17 @mkcho73 Alas, it seems the world must go without a heroine named "Skippy Pylon." #
  • 14:10 @mkcho73 I confess, I’m intrigued. Also, Terrence Mann is in the cast, which increases said intriguement by quite a margin. #
  • 14:13 @beachkid I love discovering that other friends read Tom and Lorenzo’s blog! Gotta love Project Rungay. And I share your Eee. :D #
  • 14:23 @mkcho73 Definitely! @fourteenacross recently introduced me to Sugar Sweet Sunshine, a cupcake bakery in the LES. Yum-tastic! #
  • 14:36 @smuu Awesome! You know you’ve hit it big when… :D #
  • 14:42 @rdonoghue I adore The Name of the Wind, and I’m currently reading Locke Lamora and loving every page. Haven’t read Mistborn. #
  • 14:58 Sweet! We’re getting Memorial Day off! Shall I change my travel plans and stay in D.C. an extra day? #
  • 18:40 MTA approves fare increases, booo. At least they’re not as high as some feared they could have been. #
  • 22:10 Just watched the season finale of Castle. WHAT. If there isn’t a season 2 after that cliffhanger, I am going to beat ABC with sticks. #
  • 22:12 So much love for Castle! Laughed out loud at the donut "with sprinkles ‘pon it, and a frosting of white." Yay shameless Dresden refs! #
  • 23:46 @sinspired It was on last night, but I missed it due to the Chenoweth concert! Two of my friends also missed it, so we watched it together. #

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