Twitter Driveby

  • 13:34 Your daily awesome: A diver in Santa Claus costume riding a bicycle inside a shark tank at Sea World in Indonesia. #
  • 13:34 It’s like a real-life Mad Lib. #
  • 16:22 Oh. My. God. Instead of the conventional birthday cake today, boss brought in a drag queen. I HAVE THE BEST JOB EVER. #
  • 23:20 Hmm. I feel like doing something. Yet I have no idea what that something is. #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 12:26 I love having an excuse to blast "The Mikado" around the office. A delightful respite from the noise my coworker tries to claim is music. #
  • 12:36 And just like that, my power-mad Gilbert and Sullivan spree is at an end! It was nice for the seven or eight minutes it lasted. :D #
  • 18:44 Sentence of the moment: "Yeah, but it would be a shepherding contest to the death." #

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Let the “Year In Review” memes begin! So what if I’m a week late. :D

Books and Graphic Novels Read in 2008
(wow, this is pathetic)

  1. Darkly Dreaming Dexter, Jeff Lindsay
  2. Sex, Time, and Power: How Women’s Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution, Leonard Shlain
  3. Persepolis I, Marjane Satrapi
  4. Embroideries, Marjane Satrapi
  5. Persepolis II, Marjane Satrapi
  6. The Gun Seller, Hugh Laurie
  7. Memo to the President Elect: How We Can Restore America’s Reputation and Leadership, Madeline Albright
  8. Watchmen, Alan Moore
  9. Superman: Red Son, Mark Millar
  10. Buffy Season 8: The Long Way Home, Joss Whedon
  11. “Backup,” Jim Butcher
  12. Dealing With Dragons, Patricia Wrede
  13. Searching For Dragons, Patricia Wrede
  14. Calling On Dragons, Patricia Wrede
  15. Talking To Dragons, Patricia Wrede
  16. The Secret History of Moscow, Ekaterina Sedia
  17. Butcher Bird, Richard Kadrey
  18. Welcome to the Jungle, Jim Butcher
  19. Havemercy, Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennet
  20. Princeps’ Fury, Jim Butcher
  21. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1, Alan Moore
  22. Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox, Eoin Colfer
  23. The Middleman Volume 1: The Trade Paperback Imperative, Javier Grillo-Marxuach
  24. Y: The Last Man, Vol. 6: Girl on Girl, Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra
  25. Y: The Last Man, Vol. 7: Paper Dolls, Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra
  26. Y: The Last Man, Vol. 8: Kimono Dragons, Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra
  27. Y: The Last Man, Vol. 9: Motherland, Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra
  28. Y: The Last Man, Vol. 10: Whys and Wherefores, Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra
  29. The Name of the Wind, Patrick Rothfuss
  30. “Last Call,” Jim Butcher
  31. “The Warrior,” Jim Butcher
  32. The Warrior’s Apprentice, Lois McMaster Bujold
  33. “The Mountains of Mourning,” Lois McMaster Bujold
  34. “Curses,” Jim Butcher
  35. Nation, Terry Pratchett
  36. The Wordy Shipmates, Sarah Vowell
  37. The Queen’s Bastard, C.E. Murphy
  38. The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman
  39. Turn Coat, Jim Butcher (Jim finished it December 31st! Handy!)

Currently reading The Vor Game by Lois McMaster Bujold, and will continue More Information Than You Require by John Hodgman as soon as I remember where I put it.

2008 In Fic

  1. (1/25) Feedback. Molly/Carlos.
  2. (3/19) A December Memory. Gen. Features Murphy and assorted relatives.
  3. (3/19) Explain the Bruise. Molly/Carlos.
  4. (3/19) The Long Way. I wrote it as Harry/Murphy, but I didn’t include names. Feel free to read whatever you want into it. :D
  5. (3/19) The Key. Gen. Features Molly and Harry.
  6. (4/09) Small Mercies. Mostly gen, but with some Michael/Charity. Features the whole Carpenter clan.
  7. (5/02) Learning to Drive. Gen. Features Harry and Ebenezar.
  8. (5/02) Something is Burning. Features Harry, Elaine, and Justin.
  9. (5/24) A Personage of Noble Rank and Title. Gen. Features Morgan and a bunch of fun cameos.
  10. (6/01) I Spy. Molly/Carlos.
  11. (9/11) The Body. Harry/Luccio.
  12. (9/14) Humidity. Gen. Features Harry and Murphy.
  13. (9/14) Injuries. Gen. Features Harry.
  14. (10/21) Off Guard. Sort of Gard/Hendricks, because I’m a very twisted person.
  15. (11/12) The Other Son. Mostly gen, with some Thomas/Justine.
  16. (12/20) The Landscape. Part gen, part Amara/Bernard. I’m in the process of revising it.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
About what I predicted. Less than I would have liked. But then again, I only started writing fic in early 2007, and hopefully I’ll get better and faster at putting my words on paper as I continue to practice.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2008?
I certainly never imagined writing a Morgan-centric fic, as I figured that was Puck’s territory. Guess not, as she hasn’t even bothered to read it. :D

Did you take any writing risks this year? (See above for unexpected pairings, etc.) What did you learn from them?
I created a major original character in Judith and managed to keep her from becoming a Mary Sue! Huzzah! Another major challenge was writing from Hendricks’ terse (and frankly obscene) POV. I wanted to wash out my keyboard with soap afterwards. :D

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I’d like to continue to develop my own original ideas and characters for a potential 3D animated short. Or maybe a musical. Or a musical 3D animated short.

My Best Story: I’m torn between A Personage of Noble Rank and Title, The Other Son, and Small Mercies. With Personage, I’m not only really proud of the story on the surface, but it’s so unbelievably chock-full of hidden details you’d go mad trying to find them all. Finally, I’ve written another story with the reread value of Cold Comfort! For The Other Son, I’m head over heels about the soulgaze scene. Whenever I came up with a new visual or some other kind of metaphor to enhance the scene, I was filled with actual joy. As for Small Mercies, I love each tiny moment independently, and strung together, they all make a pretty moving little story.

Story Most Underappreciated by the Universe: The Landscape. Yeah, so I don’t really consider it “done.” Yeah, so I’ve written all over it that I’m in the process of revising it, as the version I posted for Yuletide isn’t remotely polished. Still, I feel like only two people have read it. This is particularly disheartening, as I believe it’s the first non-slash story to be written in the Codex Alera fandom. That’s lame, guys.

Most fun: I Spy. It’s lighthearted and goofy and comfortable.

Most disappointing: Off Guard. I love all the non-sexy parts and hate all the sex, which is unfortunate considering I wrote it for a friend who requested smut for her birthday. And because all the sex stuff is toward the beginning, I don’t think anyone bothered to keep reading and get to the good stuff and the real reason I picked that ship. Alas. (No, Mom and Dad, you will NOT get curious about what I mean by this and read the story. This is off limits! :D)

Most sexy: The Body. Because insight and healing are sexier to me than any smut. Honorable Mention: Feedback, because it’s just so fun and carefree and silly. (A few months after I wrote the story, while smooching with my now-ex-but-then-current boyfriend, he told me to make sure I gave him feedback. It took me a full minute to stop laughing.)

Hardest to Write: Writing the aforementioned hated scenes in Off Guard was like pulling teeth.

Word count: 21,548. Nearly half of this was Personage. :D Not too shabby for a newbie writer who works 50+ hours each week!

Thank you guy for stuffing my Fandom Stocking with holiday glee!

darkmagic_luvr gave me a lovely Wash/Zoe icon and banner.

Feather wrote me Burn Notice fic from Madeline’s POV!

emmademarais also wrote me Burn Notice, with Fi being… Fi. :D

Kat gave me a fic IOU and recced me fantastic Middleman fic of love and win and holiday zombies!

I also got holiday wishes from noveltea, therck, and fromward.

Hope you all had happy holidays, and hope 2009 treats you well!

Twitter Driveby

  • 18:09 Dreamed I had to go back in time to ensure "My Mistress’ Eyes" sonnet got written. Turns out REAL author was a female ghostwriter. Who knew? #
  • 18:11 @fredhicks *claps significantly* #
  • 18:37 @jimmyaquino I have Twittelator, CityTransit (transit maps+alerts), UrbanSpoon and Yelp (food&stores recs), and Stanza (ebooks). Good stuff! #
  • 18:41 @NorwichGrrl I had that a few months ago! The only thing I could stomach was Greek yogurt. Hope you feel better soon. #
  • 21:41 Extraordinary animation made with 300,000 candles: #
  • 21:59 Whoops, animation link didn’t work. Let’s try again: #
  • 22:58 Haha! The squeaky wheel got greased! Maintenance FINALLY fixed the dryers! #
  • 00:16 Dear Promo Ad, BSG is NOT one of the best "drama’s" on TV. Amazing that in the far reaches of space, they still have grocers’ apostrophes. #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 00:56 @bookgeek Tease! Argh, April can’t come soon enough. #
  • 08:15 See ya, Christmas break. You were lovely while you lasted. Cellie’s gotta bring home the bacon! #
  • 10:49 Dreamed I was printing out a paper due in 10 minutes, only to find I’d only scribbled notes to self as placeholder for crucial paragraph. #
  • 10:49 Why would my subconscious give me a stress dream when I’m not under any particular stress? #
  • 10:52 Got an auto-reply tweet from @baconbaconbacon. Wow. It’s like a peek inside the brains of my coworkers. #
  • 18:48 Mwaha! Metrocard, you are MINE! #
  • 18:50 @xiehicks No chance of you having twins, right? :D #
  • 18:55 @sarah_haskins Thank god! Two of us! Assuming I’m not hallucinating you, alone on my desert isle of People Who Liked Benjamin Button. #
  • 18:57 @sarah_haskins Liked it, read up on how they did the special effects, was in AWE, then liked it even more and wanted to see it again. #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 11:03 Dreamed that I forgot about Halloween, and I had to scrounge together a new costume in an hour. Felt like I was letting everybody down. #
  • 11:06 Amusing comic: The Bagel Story #
  • 11:53 Glee! NPH hosting SNL next week! Those are my kind of acronyms. #
  • 20:24 @fredhicks You freaking rock. #
  • 00:48 @feliciaday Especially conflicted when you have to represent more than one girl. What would Codex do? #
  • 00:56 @bookgeek Tease! Argh, April can’t come soon enough. #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 12:53 So. Matt Smith. Not sure how to react, having not seen anything he’s been in. Any recs for what I should rent to get to know the new Doctor? #
  • 13:13 Is #11’s identity really considered a spoiler? Isn’t that like trying to avoid learning who won election until ‘revealed’ at inauguration? #
  • 13:17 Mostly I’m amused, as new Doctor shares the name of one of my coworkers. Can’t wait to tell him of his newfound fame! #
  • 13:21 After seeing photograph of #11 with the TARDIS, first person to photoshop "Doctor Who" logo into "Doctor Emo" wins a prize. #
  • 13:32 @mkcho73 The prize is a shiny nickel! That’s almost as good as an early spring, right? #
  • 14:42 @mkcho73 Squirrel pants? Are these pants on squirrels or pants with pictures of squirrels or pants made of squirrel fur? #
  • 15:24 Left sketchbook at home. Trying to decide if I want to go to Dr. Sketchy’s with massive 18×24 drawing pad or just skip it this week. #
  • 15:27 "The 26-year-old’s teenage plans to be a footballer were scuppered by a back injury[…]". I love you, BBC News. #
  • 16:59 I love the beta list. We’ve been discussing the Oxford Comma for three days now. This is what I get when half my friends are English majors. #
  • 17:00 (That love was genuine, by the way. I was one of the loudest pro-Oxford voices in the debate. Shame Jim came down on the other side. :D) #
  • 18:28 Phoenix 1: London, Phoenix 2: Glasgow, Phoenix 3: Cardiff, Phoenix 4: Locations Unknown… #
  • 18:36 Whoops, that last tweet was meant to go to @boymonster. #
  • 19:26 ReTweeted from @feliciaday: There’s a phishing scam running rampant on Twitter: #

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