I love finding messages on my little portable keyboard thing. Quite amusing…

Hello. My name is Eunice. I am clinically depressed. I like to yell and shout at people, because it’s fun. I want to take over the world. a.k.a help Chungy out. Well, at least fund her efforts…global domination…hmmmmm…sounds like breakfast

UPS can just bite me. We bought a bag online to be used on my trip to Cambridge, and it was supposed to arrive Monday. I called UPS, and they said it won’t be delivered until tomorrow. After I’ve already left. AAARG. ::kills UPS::

It’s OVER! MUAHAHAHA!!!! Summer school is finally finito! Now all I have to do is pack, then I’ll be able to CG to my heart’s content! ::happy dance::

“I’ve got you, you slippery little Prime Minister man! Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, eat my modem!”

These were my exact words when I found out yet another of many leaders of the world that I’ll have to know for tomorrow’s giant government final. I think I need to take breaks more often…

The horror! I just found out that at Cambridge, we won’t have email or web access! ::dies:: Fortunately, there are a bunch of cybercafes nearby and I get really long lunch breaks. Of course, I was planning on doing most of my WIAN research during lunch breaks. Hell. I suppose that I’ll alternate days or something. ::sighs:: I don’t want to go into RML and WOFS withdrawal! ::clutches Tanja::

I think I need to take Trailer!Ron’s advice and get my priorities in order. I have 50 billion really large things due tomorrow, but the only thing I’m actually worrying about is finishing the Top Secret Project with Monica. ::sigh:: Ye gods, and I still have to pack, too…

::chokes and dies:: It’s official. Hugh Grant is playing Gilderoy Lockhart in “Chamber of Secrets”. ::wrinkes nose:: Hugh Grant is nifty, but I just can’t imagine him playing our dear Gilderoy. ::sigh:: Why is it that whenever I try to type Hugh Grant’s name, I type Cary Grant instead? Bah.

Anyway, it’s now revival time! I first published this May 25th, and I thought it was incredibly amusing. A poem to Gilderoy Lockhart, by yours truly. Composed for Tanja’s Guestbook.

Gilderoy, oh Gilderoy.

You’re the man that I’d employ.

For the D.A.D.A. job.

Much better than that Lupin slob!

Gilderoy, dear Gilderoy

You always were a brilliant boy

You aced all quizzes and your tests,

You outshine (by far) all the rest.

‘Cause Gilderoy, yes, Gilderoy,

You know that magic’s not a toy

You fight the Dark Arts every day

For hardly any wage or pay.

And Gilderoy, dear Gilderoy,

You’re not egotistical at all or coy

You’re the pinnacle of modesty

Now about your fifteenth biography…

GAH! I forgot to watch the second night of “Mists of Avalon”! Drat! Oh well. I suppose it was better in the long run. This way, I’ll be able to finish my government junk and get a bit more CG time in. ::sighs dramatically::

The Benny Tour of RENT is over! ::sobs:: And I only saw it 4 times! Ooh, I envy Renata, who’s seen it about 30 times. At least. Maybe 40. Or 50. And don’t think I’m joking. She was practically best friends with Curtis Cregan, who played Mark (well, most of the time he was a swing, but later on, he became Mark! Ha!). Renata has no life. XD ::schnoogles Renata::

Anyway, in other Rent news, all the taxis around Dallas have been advertising Rent recently. This is strange, because I don’t think they’re coming to Dallas any time soon. They came last November (I went for my birthday! Yay!), and I don’t think that any tours are coming here soon. The Angels are long gone and the Bennies just died tonight, and the Joannes only tour Canada, I believe. What’s up with that? Who will become the new American tour? Are we doomed to pilgrimage to the Nederlander any time we want to see Rent? Tragic, I tell you. ::frowls::

Mr. Long put “Yesterday”, “Ooblah dee” (major sp-age, I’m sure), and “Surfin’ USA” on our take-home HAM test. I was certainly amused.