The Cult of Lincoln

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Wisteria's Lost "Review in Screencaps" are back! 2x01: The Island of the Doomed Cabana/Mortuary.

Also, I figured out why the LJ text messaging thing wasn't working properly! Have a party! Beth has asked her flist to write her 128-character ficlets, which is humorous.

Also, I figured out the admittedly basic mathematical concept that has been bugging me for the past two lectures of my Mathematics of Computer Science class. I win at life! Now if only I'd figure out the rest of the big stuff in time for Tuesday, when the first homework is due, I'll be fine! *scribbes details of tomorrow's Office Hours on back of hand*. Also, I'd be happy if they'd stop using acronyms that already bear such significance in my brain. DFA isn't deterministic finite automata, it's Dean/Democracy for America! And NFA isn't non-deterministic finite automata, it's "Not Fade Away", the series finale of Angel! Stupid brain. *jabs it with a Q-tip*

Me: If this were your homework, would you cry?
Ko: Forget crying, I'd jump out the window. Or drop the class. Or not even sign up for the class in the first place.
Me: See, this is why you're smarter than me.

Priscilla said at 7:12 PM

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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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