The Cult of Lincoln

Friday, May 20, 2005

Responses to Comments:

Tori: I loves you back!

Schlien: Oh, I agree that Jin was always attractive. The man is gorgeous. But in this episode it was like WOAH HOLD ME BACK.

Allison: I adore my shallow, self-absorbed, ridiculous, stupid blondes. My love for movie!Zaphod (only because his hair color is not book-canon), Glory, Harmony, and Galinda (to name a few) knows no bounds. But those characters had the force of personality to back up their ego. Shannon is shallow, self-absorbed, ridiculous, and an introvert. And while she had no difficulty translating Danielle's message (spoken quite rapidly -- I couldn't keep up and I've had years of French), she had trouble translating "azur infinie" to "blue infinity" when it was written out on paper. Useless. And regardless of how much I dislike the pairing, I think that being with Sayid is probably the last thing she needs right now. Now that Boone is gone, she finally has the opportunity to learn to fend for herself and not be completely reliant on others. I hope Sayid recognizes this and doesn't let her just transfer all her needyness from Boone onto him.

Renata: Every time my friends get together to watch Eddie Izzard, I somehow always have somewhere else I need to be. I've seen short snippets of his routines, and I think he's quite possibly one of the funniest people on the planet, so I must now give up on the notion of watching the DVDs with my friends and just go out and rent them myself. :D

Meghan: Fabulous! Do you know where I can download any Veronica Mars episodes?

Keith: Mostly it was about his reaction to the gay marriages in California last year. I found his remarks at best short-sighted and insensitive, and at worst downright offensive.

Beth: Alan Tudyk in a nun's habit? Bwahaha, YES. And something tells me he could SO pull it off.

Meghan again: Alan Tudyk suspended from the ceiling in a glittery thong/leotard in Spamalot? I am so afraid. For some reason, I'm getting visions of Alan as Rocky, singing "The Sword of Damocles." And it doesn't help my mental images to know that Anthony Head has actually played Frank.

Priscilla said at 9:51 AM

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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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