The Cult of Lincoln

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The book meme! Renata tagged me, so I figured I might as well do it.

1) Total number of books owned?
After performing a rough survey of the books in my room, I think the number is around 250-300.

2) The last book I bought?
Mirrormask Illustrated Film Script, Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean

3) The last book I read?
I'm currently reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke

4) Five books that mean a lot to me? (in no particular order)
The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster -- after over a decade, still one of my favourite books
Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card -- my first significant example of a book I loved that I later couldn't stomach because of the sociopolitical views of the author.
The Animorphs and Harry Potter series -- for how the fandoms contributed to who I am today
Men at Arms, Terry Pratchett -- still idly toying around with musical ideas, even though I've mostly given up
My little black book I carry around with me all the time -- for obvious reasons

5) Tag 5 people and have them fill this out:
Umm... are there any of you out there that haven't filled it out yet? I've long since lost track.

Priscilla said at 2:50 PM

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Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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