The Cult of Lincoln

Friday, December 05, 2003

I'm dreaming of a white math test...
Just like the ones I've never known...

1 1/2 to 2 inches so far, we estimate. Enough to cancel school in Dallas for a week. And actual snow, too! Not the nasty, icy, useless "wintry mix" back home. After the exam is over, I'm going to definitely have to do some photography, if I can stand being out in the cold that long. I guess my first priority is getting over my cold, but hey, Baby's First Real Snowfall in Philly!

Mkay, back to studying. I am SO not nearly as prepared as I would have wanted to be. I hopped the Z train at 11 last night, setting my alarm for 8. My body responded "AS IF!" and I woke up at 10:15. Currently debating over whether I should skip the last Java lecture to study. I guess it depends on how much I get accomplished in the thirty minutes before Java starts. Hmm... survey says "no" (and wow, I just accidentally typed "survey says 'sno'." So what's dominating my subconscious today, Jung?). Missing the last class before a midterm is never a good idea. Bah.

Priscilla said at 9:23 AM

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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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